Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 211 total)

  • RE: Do You Have Scary Code?

    I am currently adding a database to an app that has used a mixture of application and user defined directories containing a variety of text and binary files. The original...

  • RE: The Auditor Attack Vector

    Plugging an unknown USB drive into your computer is one of the daftest things anyone can do. Besides the risk of viruses and malware there were some around earlier this...

  • RE: Byte Me: Thanks?

    Maybe the Boxing Day sales will become White Saturday! 🙂

  • RE: Byte Me: Thanks?

    Heals (11/26/2015)

    mjh 45389 (11/26/2015)

    Heals (11/26/2015)

    Happy Thanksgiving to all that are in the USA 🙂

    Likewise! 🙂

    I have though got bored with endless Black Friday e-mails during the past...

  • RE: Byte Me: Thanks?

    Heals (11/26/2015)

    Happy Thanksgiving to all that are in the USA 🙂

    Likewise! 🙂

    I have though got bored with endless Black Friday e-mails during the past week. And yesterday...

  • RE: Technical Debt

    Totally agree with Gaz! The last two major products I have worked on have had major technical debt so that an simple mod or bug fix runs into days or...

  • RE: Shrinking the Budget

    David.Poole (11/19/2015)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (11/19/2015)

    Good note, but I wouldn't disparage someone as an actor meaning they have no knowledge. A certain former guitar player from Queen is a...

  • RE: Shrinking the Budget

    About a decade ago I was working on a project that used MS servers and an MS-SQL database. Pseudo real-time data related to this was collected on a Red-Hat server...

  • RE: Byte Me: Get-Help

    I have used PowerShell without problem but I had occasional problems when switching between C and LISP (about 20% of my time). Whenever possible I used to try and set...

  • RE: Do You Have Scary Code?

    I was lucky in that in my first proper IT job (I had been doing mathematical modelling in Fortran about 25% of my time in my previous scientific role) that...

  • RE: Data Sprawl

    I have used a number of OS's, programming languages and variants of RDBMS over the last thirty years. At one time I was using Windows XP, OSX and RedHat, programming...

  • RE: Byte Me: NooseSQL

    Iwas Bornready (9/16/2015)

    I can understand how this can be funny. But after having a family member commit suicide, it loses its humor. Sorry.

    Sadly the same here. My uncle's wife found...

  • RE: ER Modeling

    Thirty years ago I started my IT career after doing my MSc in IT. One of the modules was RDBMS. The company I started my IT career with had a...

  • RE: ER Modeling

    I have to use 'Dia' as it is free (open source) software. Like the previous comment about Visio I find that 'Dia' is quite awkward for the full schematic. It's...

  • RE: ER Modeling

    I find I have to very disciplined to make sure the development environment and ERD are kept in sync. The thing that makes it awkward is that you may update...

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 211 total)