Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 92 total)

  • RE: Simple backup status report.


    The msdb database has a table backupset that keeps information of every database backup irrespective of whether the backup ran from a SQL server job, manual or directly to the...

  • RE: Does dbcc indexdefrag cuase buffer hit catio ratio to go down?

    I doubt if .8 difference in the buffer cache hit ratio is any indication of any change at all.. It is insignificant unless you have been experiencing any real issues..

  • RE: SQL Server Automatic Recovery

    This is one more reason why you would want to keep your transactions manageable (ie small). So the server does not have to do mammoth undoing when restarted in the middle...

  • RE: SQL Server Automatic Recovery

    Without actually understanding the nature of transactions and applications, it is hard to postulate what was precisely going. Any way, couple of things to look into, "recovery interval" configuration option,...

  • RE: Need help creating dynamic "USE" statement... Thanks.

    Unfortunately I do not have SQL on my home PC.

    I remember trying this and, sure it worked:



    SET @MyDB = N'Master'...

  • RE: Need help creating dynamic "USE" statement... Thanks.






    SET @MyDB = N'Master'

    SET @MySQL = N'USE '+ @MyDB + ';'

    PRINT @MySql

    EXEC @MySql

  • RE: Challenging T-SQL Requirement

    Sorry for the bad formatting.. But it does what it is intended to ..


    We sum up the qty for Code 'S' as table D.

    We also make a running summary...

  • RE: How to view all Jobs without being an Admin

    I had the same problem, and one of the users at this site pointed to a targetserverrole for viewing the jobs. All members of that role would be able to...

  • RE: import database errors

    Did you import using the DTS import/Export wizard? If so then you should be able to double click on the DTS package step name. I know that whole bunch of...

  • RE: Disk Config issues

    I agree that SQL Server software cannot be the bottleneck. We have other server with low end IBM Fastt with 40 * 17GB drives in two raid 5 volumes, (each...

  • RE: non clustered index strategy?

    I have no answer to the central question. But, in this case would n't it be better to make the clustered index on the ID and DeptID? The question of...

  • RE: Disk Config issues

    Thanks to all those replied for your valuable input. Here is some

    additional info on this system configuration:

    I am using the /3GB switch only since I have 3.5 GB RAM and...

  • RE: Forcing Exception logging not be SUBJECT to ROLLBACK inside a transaction

    When the outer transaction is rolled back does not it roll back all modifications, irrespective of any commits by the inner transactions? It makes no difference whether you have transactions...

  • RE: SQL2K/Cluster installation

    Is the SQL CD in the server (primary node) or are you mapping to  a network? Mapping to a network CD caused those errors for me in the past.

  • RE: How can non sysadmins run jobs?

    Look into setting up SQLAgentCmdExec Proxy account. This account will enable non-sysadmins to own jobs that execute OS commands (including xp_cmdshell). In the SQL EM -> Select the SQL Server...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 92 total)