Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 184 total)

  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    We will soon be able to drop support for SQL 2008R2 from our product making SQL 2014 the minimum and thus we could use this newer paging syntax. However currently...

  • Reply To: Do You Deal with UTF-8?

    Seems like this will just add more stuff to be concerned with. Typically I just always use nvarchar thus internationalised text data is not a problem and since we primarily...

  • Reply To: Evergreen SQL Server

    Unfortunately with a combination of VPN to server + T-SQL + 3rd party partner it is possible to write reports with SSRS and thus we (dev side) are forced to...

  • Reply To: Evergreen SQL Server

    Rod at work wrote:

    Thank you very much, Peter. Now, I'm concerned about SSRS and how we're trying to go to it. I work for a large state agency, so reporting is a...

  • Reply To: Evergreen SQL Server

    Well you have to use your own custom written authentication DLL with SSRS unless you are running the whole thing on a Windows domain then you need to be able...

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by  peter.row. Reason: wording/grammar
  • Reply To: Evergreen SQL Server

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    Peter, Customers are learning to move faster, but it's a slow process. I expect that in five years, things will have changed a lot, especially a there are no...

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by  peter.row.
  • Reply To: Evergreen SQL Server

    Since we use SSRS then Azure SQL Server is out the door immediately.

    Typically I'd love for us to be using the latest and greatest SQL Server but our customers are...

  • Reply To: The Clear Cloudy Future of Databases

    Some what off topic, I just noticed the "Take a peek into our servers" stuff in the footer.

    Isn't this a penetration test failure as you are exposing server names thus...

  • Reply To: Building Helpful Commit Messages

    Chris Harshman wrote:

    I think where I'm at we tend to "loose" the comments in our VCS because the developers feature branch everything, so unless you know what branch the change was...

  • Reply To: Building Helpful Commit Messages

    Data_Cat wrote:

    I work for a small company that has three people who work with SQL and We are very interested in learning how to use a Version Control System,...

  • Reply To: Building Helpful Commit Messages

    Oh in that case you won't lose anything. JIRA is a task management system it is not a VCS. We use SVN for VCS and JIRA for task management.

  • Reply To: Building Helpful Commit Messages

    JIRA has a really nice plug-in called Crucible for code reviews that automatically signposts you to the commits made to that task.

    For example, say I have task MP-1234, I do...

  • Reply To: Building Helpful Commit Messages

    I echo the articles post, we use JIRA for tasks and the number 1 rule for all developers is you must put the task ID in the commit message, no...

  • Reply To: Upgrading Your OS

    I upgraded by current machine not because I had to but simply because I wanted to. If I hadn't of done that I'd still be on a 2010 machine, and...

  • Reply To: Upgrading Your OS

    julie.woolner wrote:

    I'm stuck on Windows 7 on my home laptop. Windows 10 can't install due to an incompatibility which MS says the hardware vendor should fix but the hardware vendor...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 184 total)