Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 78 total)

  • RE: Accept Failure

    Projects have two main success indicators: Does the end product do what the client wants it to do? Did the project come in under budget?

    In order to satisfy the second...

  • RE: All I want for Christmas

    I think it's time to retire the ol' Pentax K1000 and get a digital SLR.

    Or a Mac, with the premium version of Garage Band, all the MIDI goodies, and some...

  • RE: More SQL Injection

    (Just kidding.)

  • RE: More SQL Injection

    With the ready availablility of exploit scripts, the opportunity exists for anyone with an axe to grind, a desire to rip someone off, or time on their hands to make...

  • RE: The HR Sorecard

    Therein lies the rub. In large corporations, you support the business, who pays for your time. When it comes to side projects, there's precious little budget, or inclination to spend...

  • RE: Labor Day 2011


    I just read Steve' post today, because I didn't take the laptop to the cottage this weekend. It was the most relaxing Labor Day holiday I've had in a couple...

  • RE: The Impact of Outages

    This points out the necessity of testing patches and updates. Our cycle is long enough to engage the vendor if problems arise in the test environment. My supported systems haven't...

  • RE: Leave Developers Alone

    From meeting-free Fridays, to don't-bug-me blocks of time, we've attempted a number of ways to schedule that pristine, get-the-work-done time.

    The real issue is the corporate culture. Co-workers expect you...

  • RE: You Don't Know Enough

    Steve, the link to Bruce's article returns a 404. Maybe someone should have QA'd your missive?

  • RE: How To Fix Connect

    All I can say is, if they don't revert or improve Activity Monitor, I'm going to roll my own. 2008 AM has to be the most user-unfriendly interface I've...

  • RE: Data Quality

    My wife is a real estate agent, and places a great deal of importance in the accuracy of the data she enters in MLS. She does the due diligence...

  • RE: NoSQL Basics

    Thanks for the informative article, Steve, but the inner English major in me couldn't resist.

    "Cassandra is not interchangeable with MongoDB, and Voldemort is different than the other two."

    No, it's not....

  • RE: Live Monitoring

    I can't tell from here (IE only, which works OK). I'll check it later.

  • RE: Live Monitoring

    Firefox doesn't like the link to the monitor page. It complains about an endless redirect loop.

  • RE: The Hybrid

    When I was in logistics training in the service, our instructor told us that we should be "jack of all trades, and master of all trades."

    I took this to heart...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 78 total)