Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)

  • RE: Other types of database


    Just adding my two cents to the information you have provided:

    It is recommended that bitmaps are best suited when the cardinality of the column is low.

    For example : ...

  • RE: script to select top x rows


    Just curious, what is the purpose of your query?

    I think, unless you use an 'order by clause', the rows selected will be sorted by the first column of each...

  • RE: Best way to NOT to RUN a job on a list of dates

    Can your job process empty input files without giving errors?

    If so, here is an idea. :

    If the users can send you an empty file on the days of special...

  • RE: Using "Like" or Wildcard


    Sorry about the death in your family.

    It not clear what exactly do you want out of your SQL.

    If you did not understand dj_meier's post, here is another example:

    List all the...

  • RE: Rounding Problem

    Hi planet115,

    Thanks for your detailed posts. I have no contest to the argument that integer math is faster than fractional math.

    As long as you use stored procedures while retrieving and...

  • RE: Rounding Problem


    Basically, you were suggesting to use a kind of encryption. (eg 1=1, 11=11, 100=12, 200=24 etc).

    If you use encryption while storing the data, you should use decription while reading it....

  • RE: Rounding Problem

    Hi planet115,

    "Or you could store it as an int with an implicit decimal point -

    eg 1=1, 11=11, 100=12, 200=24 etc."

    I think, storing it as integer in such manner might not...


    Here is my two cents:

    Whenever a system receives data from External sources, it is prudent to do a validation (sanity check) on the data before loading it to your production...

  • RE: Using "Like" or Wildcard


    I repeat : Give us an example of the table contents and the result set.

    Your example should contain both - ' Table Contents" and 'Expected result-set'. It won't be hard....

  • RE: Using "Like" or Wildcard


    Perhaps, you can reduce the ambiguity by giving an example of the table contents and the result set you are expecting.


  • RE: Handling Time Dimension ! Help


    You can remove the 'time part' from the date without causing any PK contraint violations.

    You have to re-consider the primary key of the fact table.

    What is the current primary-key of...

  • RE: Using "Like" or Wildcard


    Thanks for explaining it in more words.

    To add a bit of humor:

    In other words, the SQL logic is inverted by 180 degrees from the normal English query.

    (If Wanda requires AND,...

  • RE: Using "Like" or Wildcard


    I think you have been using an incorrect SQL.

    Use OR instead of AND in your SQL and try again.

    (LEDef_ActiveInd = 1 OR LEDef_Cd Like '10-%)


Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)