Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 38 total)

  • RE: sqlserver login pblm from

    hey guys

    thanx all for ur efforts and help. i reinstalled sqlserver. the pblm got solved.....i dont know how?

    but i think thats microsoft probably


  • RE: DataType

    hey charles thanx for ur efforts and help


  • RE: error handling in triggers

    hey jane

    yes i think u should check for errors explicitly and then rollback.....i dont know whether a exception handler is there in sqlserver?

    if iam wrong or u get any...

  • RE: DataType

    hey greg

    thanx for ur help man. but nvarchar still iam confused and u have touched upon a term "collation" could u be able to tell me what is collation. thanx.


  • RE: Dynamic Inputs?

    hey bob

    thanx for ur help


  • RE: Dynamic Inputs?

    hey scott

    thanx for ur reply.

    i did not understand this template query. will u please explain it to me with an example.



  • RE: Image datatype

    hey snow

    i also would like to know how the above pblm is addressed.

    say for example the images are in the local drive and it has to be displayed in aspx...

  • RE: error handling in triggers

    hey jane

    i would like to know whether the "rollback" takes place automatically or have u coded that way....

    in sql generally any error would make the entire batch or transaction to...

  • RE: How to get column value as column name

    hey all

    now i got it....sorry for the trouble!!!

    now i understand u Yuvraj.....also the function of "min" is clear.anything min or max would work...

    thanx a lot....


  • RE: How to get column value as column name

    hey adam and yuvraj

    thanx for all ur efforts. sorry for not replying for a long time.

    my doubt::

    what is that "min( )" doing there?

    when i used it...i got error.

    select * from...

  • RE: using local variable with IN statement


    yes its possible.u could use dynamic query...check this out....

    hope u get wat u want.....else tell me i will try 2 help u out.

    here reg1 is the table name

    select * from...

  • RE: Moving DataBase from one place to another

    hey heart throb

    if u got trouble in copying the entire database then try to copy table by table using bulk copy...bcp!! this might work but u need to execute bcp...

  • RE: SQL Workbench

    hey journey

    look into enterprise manager(em) enterprise manager ---->select the server then the databse then the table then right click on the table name and select "open return all rows".

    i think...

  • RE: error handling in triggers

    hey jane

    iam sorry that iam unablle to understand ur pblm.but as far as i know when in one of the insert trigger u use rollback transaction ,the remaining triggers will...

  • RE: Union query problem

    hey thrivani

    i did not understand u!.what happened to 8 8 in the second table.its not there in the output.

    usually a simple union operator would do the job for u .....thats...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 38 total)