Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: What am I missing?

    Thank U Sergiy, it worked !

    I have now changed the query to:

    DECLARE @p INT, @n INT

    SET @p = 10

    SET @n = 1

    PRINT CAST(@n AS DECIMAL(12,1)) / CAST(@p AS DECIMAL(12,1))

    I didn't...

  • RE: MSDE owner user problem

    Hi !

    I've checked AJ solution, but I didn't like it (sorry AJ ), because I don't want to change all 94 tables user...

  • RE: MSDE owner user problem

    I understand that and I usually do it, so this is a issue, correct ?


  • RE: Access Denied

    Hi !

    Yes. I run this script with an user id who has sysadmin permissions!

    Pedro Martins




  • RE: Access Denied

    Hi !

    Yes. I run this script with an user id who has sysadmin permissions!

    Pedro Martins

  • RE: Access Denied

    Hi !

    We have two machines under different domains running win2000 server and sql server 2000.

    Running 'dir \\server\shared_folder\' from command shell it works just fine!

    Pedro Martins



Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)