Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 130 total)

  • RE: update records based on condition

    this is my DDL

    create table member

    (memberid int,

    primarycondition varchar(50),

    PrimaryIntensity int,

    secondarycondition varchar(50),

    Secondaryintensioty int)

    sample data i already provided in my previous thread

  • RE: update script

    i put [type]

    i am getting error incorrect syntax near "go"

    i am putting go after insert

    and then i am doing update

    getting error " error in updating product table,invalid column name...

  • RE: update script

    i created 2 different script ,

    i run first thats alter table and add new column

    then i am running another that insert and update table

    still getting same error

  • RE: update script

    if i put go , it gives me error ,

    i have everything in begin and commit transaction

    do i need to refresh manually table after i add column and then i...

  • RE: update script

    thats not a problem.

    i am getting error at update statement

  • RE: same variable in stored proc

    i need while loop ,but my question is do i need to declare different variables each time

  • RE: check if index exists

    that will show all the index , i need to know particular index

    if exist(

  • RE: delete rows

    total i have 60 millions rows from there i need to insert 30 millions to some another table.

    once it is insert i need to delete it from original table

  • RE: CALCULATE 2 years back data


    let me try to explain here

    i want to move data that is older than 2 years.

    for example.

    dateorder < dateadd(yy,-2,getdate()

    here all the data which is less than 2...

  • RE: CALCULATE 2 years back data

    i dotn understand why it is > , it should be less than

    i want to keep only 2 years data in my current database , rest should move to another...

  • RE: archive process

    i need to do in a batch , so i need some loop in my sp ,

    can you give me any example

  • RE: performance of sp

    can u give me example with indexes

  • RE: performance of sp

    what can i use instead of that?

  • RE: archive process

    well archiving in the sense i need to dump 1 year data from 1 database to another.

    but the problem is i have 60 million rows and i need this process...

  • RE: multipart identifier could not bound

    i can see that column name in my table.

    also when i type alias my intellisense for that table doesnt get anything, if i type anoter table name

    it display all the...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 130 total)