Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 481 through 493 (of 493 total)

  • RE: The Scientific Method: a call to action

    We use that here too. Its a challenge to get some things updated and answered, but for the most part the system works well.

    I wish I could port/merge/organize things between...

  • RE: The Scientific Method: a call to action

    Jeff Moden (5/26/2015)

    At work, we have a Wiki and we have a "function repository" (most new ones are iTVFs, for sure).

    Which wiki do you use?

  • RE: The Scientific Method: a call to action

    Risk Management tends to focus on the people who have a lot of assets to manage. I rarely see an assessment with the cost of current risk avoidance methods,...

  • RE: Storing a Binary File in a Database

    I'm not sure this happened in this case, but small organizations often pay for the developers to construct things in a technically sophisticated way, when there are are other ways...

  • RE: Can Auditing Fail?

    What is the cost of the audit, and what are the alternatives? The cost aren't just IT costs, but lost business or operations. I'd like to see a switch that...

  • RE: Script all data of a table

    It looks like a BINARY(9) works

    this doesn't work

    CASE WHEN [Entered_Dttm] IS NULL THEN 'NULL' ELSE 'CONVERT(DATETIME2, ' + master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr (CONVERT(BINARY(8), [Entered_Dttm])) + ')' END + ', ' +

    this does


  • RE: Script all data of a table

    I'm struggling with the datetime2 format.

    I get this message:

    Msg 8152, Level 16, State 17, Line 1

    String or binary data would be truncated.

    from this line:

    CASE WHEN [Entered_Dttm] IS NULL THEN...

  • RE: SQLServerCentral Runs sp_Blitz - The Future


    Quickly looking through the board, I think I want an additional product, SQL Data Monitor

  • RE: SQLServerCentral Runs sp_Blitz - The Future

    My employer and the requirements that I give them discretion prevents me from going into much detail publicly.

    I actually enjoy social media, so if there are any SQL organizations who...

  • RE: SQLServerCentral Runs sp_Blitz - The Future

    I have a harder time making this get taken seriously by peers than I do with understanding what the licenses say.

    I'm just disappointed the the authors of the articles don't...

  • RE: SQLServerCentral Runs sp_Blitz - The Future

    It would really depend on your revenue model, and your comfort level in replacing the consultants that left enough of your tools behind for the potential customer to find you.


  • RE: SQLServerCentral Runs sp_Blitz - The Future


    It would seem like an MIT license would be more friendly. Of course, the think I appreciate most about your license is your thoughtful reply to a sincere question.

  • RE: SQLServerCentral Runs sp_Blitz - The Future

    I appreciate someone pointing out licensing challenges with this script.

    Is there a better forum for asking questions about what metrics you can pull back with sql monitor?

    I'd particularly like to...

Viewing 13 posts - 481 through 493 (of 493 total)