Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • Reply To: splitting string value

    Thansk for reply  but STRING_SPLIT does not work on sql server that I work.

  • RE: get last two record on similar datas

    thank you so much. This is the solution that I need.
  • RE: insert or update according the field value

    Should I use below bode?

    set @isexist=(select count(*) from GNL_OgretmenDevamsizlikGirisLog

    where OgretmenID=@ogretmenID

    and DersYiliID=@dersyiliID

    and SinifID=@sinifID

    and DersID=@dersID


    Convert(date,GirisTarihi) = Convert(date,getdate())





  • RE: create index on nvarchar value

    i already set pageslug nvarchar(450).

    and i couldset pageslug field as index.

    As i know, indexed fields increase searching time. For example primary key. But i don't know exactly, this is true...

  • RE: create index on nvarchar value

    thanks it worked. i also want to ask one question. pwhen pageslug is set as index, searching time increase. i know right, do i?


  • RE: sum operation

    i have a table ProductTrack.Table is like below: Table field are :

    ProductTrackId primary key

    ProductId int

    SizeId int

    Quantity int

    Process int

    i keep track product stocks with this table. ProductId field is related with...

  • RE: filter two table by date arrange

    thank you so much. it worked.

  • RE: help about dinamic query

    thanks. i look at that aticle. i hope i solve my problem.

    Again thanks.

  • RE: problem about ' charachter when saving record.

    but i enter baslik from textbox. that is @baslik value can change. also if i use as below:

    @baslik nvarchar(max)=null,

    @icerik nvarchar(max)=null



    insert into makale values(@baslik,@icerik)


    normal proc not dinamic.

    it runs and accept '...

  • RE: problem about ' charachter when saving record.

    proc name...

    @baslik nvarchar(max)=null,

    @icerik nvarchar(max)=null



    declare @sqlcum nvarchar(max)

    set @sqlcum ='insert into makale (baslik,icerik) values(N'''+@baslik+ ''',N'''+@icerik+ ''')'



    my dinamic query is this. i use this on a web site project. i use textbox, fckeditor...

  • RE: help about create table relation


  • RE: problem with dynamic sql

    thanks. it worked.

  • RE: stored procedure for paging table

    Hi. i guess, i wrote something wrong.(also my english is not very well:)) )

    i have 2 table: Category and Products. In products table, there is a field that suply relation...

  • RE: stored procedure for paging table

    oh. thank you so much. this is what i want. Reaaly so thanks.

    i tried

    "select * from myurun

    WHERE sirano BETWEEN (@BatchSize * (@WhichPage -1)) AND (@BatchSize * (@WhichPage -1))...

  • RE: stored procedure for paging table

    i tried like this.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_listcategoryproducts]

    @dolar float,

    @katid int,

    @sayfano int



    with myurun



    select (ROW_NUMBER()over(order by UrunKategoriID))as sirano,UrunKodu,UrunAdi,UrunResim,UrunStok,UrunFiyat,


    when UrunKDVDurumID=1 then 'KDV Dahil'

    else '+KDV'

    end as KDVDurum,

    dbo.f_urunfiyati(UrunKDVDurumID,UrunParaTipi,UrunFiyat,@dolar) as ToplamTutar,


    when UKampanya=1 then 'Indirimli'

    end as indirim,


    when UKampanya=1...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)