Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 47 total)

  • RE: Skewed data performance question

    That's definitely curious. From BOL, bit data type described:


    Integer data type 1, 0, or NULL.


    Columns of type bit cannot have indexes on them.

    Microsoft® SQL Server™ optimizes the storage used...

  • RE: Skewed data performance question

    One fact that will affect your approach is that bit fields cannot be indexed. See BOL, bit data type, for more information.

    Steve Armistead,

    Database Administration

    Panther Systems Northwest, Inc.

    Vancouver, WA

  • RE: Transactional Replication of UPDATE fails


    I think you can resolve this without removing RI on the subscriber - enable trace 8207 on the server, which will make the delete/insert into a true update instead, which...

  • RE: Transactional Replication of UPDATE fails

    Okay, it appears that the update works in the publisher - is it failing in the subscriber? Does the table in the subscribing database have any constraints on it, like...

  • RE: Multiple distribution databases?

    I'm not having any particular problem, yet. I say "yet" because I forsee the potential for problems if I need to restore a publisher & subscriber. It's my understanding that...

  • RE: Location of indexes

    Try this:

    SELECT USER_NAME(O.uid) as [owner], as [tablename], as [indexname],

    FILEGROUP_NAME(I.groupid) as [filegroup]

    FROM sysobjects O,sysindexes I

    WHERE I.indid>0

    AND I.indid<255

    AND I.status&2048!=2048

    AND I.status&4096!=4096


    AND type in ('U','V')

    AND (INDEXPROPERTY(,,'IsStatistics')...

  • RE: CASE Statement (again)

    I quickly ran your examples with identical results - interesting to say the least. Unfortunately I don't have the time to investigate further.

    Steve Armistead,

    Database Administration

    Panther Systems Northwest, Inc.

    Vancouver, WA

  • RE: Averaging minutes between record inserts

    Thanks for your help, all.

    I don't have an identity column available, so modified Steve's snippet and ended up with this test query. It requires a temporary table, but is relatively...

  • RE: Checking database options

    You can also look at running the following:

    dbcc useroptions

    in the database of interest.


    Steve Armistead,

    Database Administration

    Panther Systems Northwest, Inc.

    Vancouver, WA

  • RE: Easy Syntax

    remove the final comma after END

  • RE: Easy Syntax

    You need to check the length of the city_state field before you take the leftmost chars. There is probably one record (or more) with a city_state length of 3 or...

  • RE: Select statement

    One solution that minimally changes your approach:

    SELECT suppliers.supplierid, users.supplierid,


    FROM suppliers LEFT OUTER JOIN

    users ON suppliers.supplierid = users.supplierid

    where users.supplierid is null -- disregard any supplier with existing users

    Steve Armistead,

    Database Administration


  • RE: reset the identity value

    This will reset it to 1:

    DBCC CHECKIDENT (tablename, reseed, 1)

    Steve Armistead,

    Database Administration

    Panther Systems Northwest, Inc.

    Vancouver, WA

  • RE: Restore replication to new db on original server?

    Thank you for the reply. I've restored both databases to new names on the same server, and need to get replication working between these new dbs the same as on...

  • RE: Slow Master DB

    If the 'auto close' option is selected for some or all of the db's on the server, you'll see a long delay in getting the list of databases. You need...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 47 total)