Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 436 through 450 (of 452 total)

  • RE: Nth occurence of a day in a month/year

    Why not just do (using the function definition and parameters (and the @firstDate variable) as given):

    set @firstDate = dateadd(dd,1-datepart(dd,@inputdate) ,@inputDate) -- ensures that we start with the first of the...

  • RE: cast, convert and float!

    Jim in Arizona (8/20/2009)

    I think the 30% of us (me included) that got it wrong just need to make sure we get our morning caffiene before trying to answer the...

  • RE: RAID

    marklegosz (8/18/2009)

    I was shocked to see only 49% getting this right (when I checked). Surely all DBAs should be all over this one.

    My guess is that many made the mistake...

  • RE: A Story of the Deleted Transaction Log

    Mark Horninger (7/14/2008)

    Bill Whitman (7/14/2008)

    oberhardt is correct.

    A maintenance plan should be set up to truncate, shrink, and backup the transaction log -- nightly, if necessary.

    Probably don't want to...

  • RE: Unique constraints

    The <strong> tags are clearly an issue with the CMS here; I've seen it in a few other code samples. I don't know if the preview works with them where...

  • RE: column & data type.

    Carlo Romagnano (7/23/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (7/23/2009)

    There really should have been a third choice: It Depends. It really does, what data type is being converted to what data type?

    For example you...


    Interestingly enough, the MSDN documentation linked to from the answer incorrectly states:

    "In this case, the number of characters that are returned is the largest value of either the sum of...

  • RE: Going Native

    I think it comes down to personality. I find two classes of personalities in this business: those that overgeneralize, and those that don't. 😛

    Okay, seriously, the personality trait I look...

  • RE: Swap column values

    I think this was a very useful article, because it highlighted a difference we sometimes forget between T-SQL and procedural code. Specifically, procedural code like

    set value1 = value2

    set value2 =...

  • RE: Imaginative Auditing with Rollback (Undo) and RollForward (Redo) Part I

    I can definitely see some use for this.

    Even if I had no use for it at all, it's a very interesting academic exercise. I'm looking forward to seeing how you...

  • RE: Where and Join On Clause the Same?

    Here's how I see the difference. It may help you to understand the order of execution, or it may just confuse you, but it's how I read the statements semantically....

  • RE: Enhancing the readability of your code: Table aliasing in sql

    Sylvia is actually right when she says that there's no need for aliases in author-title query. But Jeff is right when he says that code is not written well for...

  • RE: There Must Be 15 Ways To Lose Your Cursors… Part 2: Just Put It in a S

    jwheeler (4/27/2009)

    Samuel Vella (4/27/2009)

    jwheeler (4/27/2009)

    The fact you even have to tell so called developers this stuff is frightening.

    Not really and it's something I've seen a few times...

    When someone has...

  • RE: SSIS File Exists Over Range of Time

    There's also a tweak I would make to eliminate a (very small) chance of failure if the file is put out there literally at the last second. Change



  • RE: Low Hanging Fruit

    It's not just that DBAs have to think of other solutions, but that the entire organization has to want to work to achieve such solutions as well.

    As an example,...

Viewing 15 posts - 436 through 450 (of 452 total)