Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 117 total)

  • RE: Installation of SSMS (w/Integration Services)

    Looks like if you bought a processor license, or each of your clients have specific CAL licenses, you should be ok installing full SSMS on your workstations. See:

  • RE: Question about Management Data Warehouse

    Would you mind posting a link to this "very well documented bug"? I'm not finding anything about it. TIA.

  • RE: Virtualize or not ?

    A good (and recommended) way of seeing if your server is good candidate for virtualization is to use the MAP Toolkit

    That will give you real nice analysis...

  • RE: Virtualize or not ?

    frankcastle509 (12/29/2011)

    Well what made you think that I am spammer. I Recently graduated as B.E. Information Technology student and trying power myself with the knowledge of IT Infrastructure and further...

  • RE: Data Modeling and SSIS

    You'll hate this answer but "it depends". Is this a junior position? Senior? Best thing to do is be prepared for anything. Whats difference between control flow and data flow?...

  • RE: Data Modeling and SSIS

    No offense but if you're going to a job and don't know about data modeling/ETL at all then they'll sniff that out real quick. If you're really that new to...

  • RE: Good SQL Server hardware ?

    jared-709193 (10/5/2011)

    mendesm (10/5/2011)

    I still have not found convincing arguments as to why anyone would run a sql server in a way that swap/page file use would be of any benefit,...

  • RE: Time for last Full and Differential backups

    If you're using SQL server 2008 you can use policy-based management to evaluate last backup time (full, diff, or transaction). Use the database facet and property for which backup type...

  • RE: How to Monitor SQL servers

    Rather than trying to roll your own solution, there are already free and pretty decent solutions available for free on Codeplex. Check out SQL Live Monitor, for instance:[/url]

  • RE: Predefined policies that come with SQL Server 2008

    The built-in Best Practice Policies from Microsoft are found at C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Policies\DatabaseEngine\1033*

    If the policies folder is not there, you can manually download and install them from the SQL...

  • RE: Importing Policies to CMS

    Haha no worries, glad you got it figured out. <Shameless plug> Have you seen our book on PBM? Pro SQL Server Policy-Based Management </Shameless plug>

  • RE: CMS Policies

    (yes I know this is old)

    It'd be helpful to see what your conditions looked like in order to troubleshoot a PBM issue like this. I have noticed that the out...

  • RE: password policies

    Old thread but came across it looking for policy posts. I did blog post on local password policies and using Policy-Based Management. Hope it helps someone at some point:[/url]

  • RE: Importing Policies to CMS

    Did you build the policies on that CMS box? If so, they already exist locally so you just have to evaluate them against targets, don't need to re-import them.

  • RE: Error 18456

    Did you choose to add yourself as an admin during install? Also did you choose Windows authentication only or Mixed? If mixed, login as 'sa' and use the password you...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 117 total)