Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 107 total)

  • RE: Query for status

    Chris Harshman - Tuesday, May 2, 2017 1:10 PM

    I'm thinking the statuses have a priority, not necessarily that the logic conflicts.  Here's...

  • RE: Query for status

    Apologies for late response. So here is the complete picture:
    Every user is mapped with one or more unit ids. Every month when our batch is processed, all entries get...

  • RE: Query for status

    Hey Thom, these are dates only and no VARCHAR. I gave few records to show they type of data. All date related columns are in datetime data types only.

  • RE: SQL 2008R2 to SQL 2014 Upgrade

    Chris Harshman - Monday, April 10, 2017 10:42 AM

    sqlenthu 89358 - Thursday, April 6, 2017 1:57 AM

  • RE: SQL 2008R2 to SQL 2014 Upgrade

    Thanks Sue. However I was looking for something to see if there can be any code breaks while going from SQL 2008 r2 to 2014. Any code which will need...

  • RE: Archival & Purging Process

    Thanks a lot Grant. So this means I had correct understanding. Seems lots of people have incorrect understanding of this slight difference between the two.

  • RE: Data migration approach

    Thanks Grant for giving me direction. I'll check it out. One more thing. The text values in my file are enclosed within " for example "sports". And the numeric values...

  • RE: Schema name, Schema Owner and Login

    Thanks for clarifying that thing guys. Appreciate.

    One more question now. So I should change the ownership or my db schema from abc_dev to abc_prod. So whenever i'll refresh...

  • RE: Information on SQL clustered environment

    Thanks John. That helps and clarifies my doubt

  • RE: SQL query help

    Thanks mgnson, but I want to do it using SQL programming. Is it possible ?

  • RE: SQL query help

    So I have a table as following information

    CustID productID qty amt orderdate

    1001 prod1 ...

  • RE: Tsql scenario

    Apologies for the late reply but the query works like charm.

  • RE: Add million of records

    Jeff Moden (9/14/2016)

    sqlenthu 89358 (9/14/2016)

    Hi all, I have to transfer around 50 million records from one table to another. What should be the best approach. I know it can be...

  • RE: Add million of records

    Eric M Russell (9/14/2016)

    Is it essential that the table be available for users during this bulk load operation, and is the table partitioned?

    Table is not partitioned and also system will...

  • RE: Partition switch giving error

    I got it. I have to run the alter scheme after every alter partition to use primary filegroup.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 107 total)