Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)

  • RE: Insert Errors on Partitioned Views

    I tried. No luck.

    I cannot update even rudimentary distributed partitioned views. I read the articles and BOL and I am following all the rules ( as far as I can...

  • RE: Average until last changed value

    Brilliant! Thanks! That would work.

  • RE: Insert Exec & Combine Columns


    Thanks! It shows a new way I had never used. I still have a problem with switching the database context within procedure.

    If I do dynamic exec (ie exec ('use...

  • RE: Data files in filegroup

    I have seen this behavior, while I was creating few non clustered indexes on one of our tables. I had three files in the file group, both set to auto...

  • RE: Storage Array - Disks & controllers

    Thanks for the analysis and the article. It has been useful.

  • RE: Dirty Pages and Buffer Cache

    The transaction is committed only after the log pages are written to the disk, no exceptions. All the checkpoint does is it writes the corresponding data pages for those committed...

  • RE: Dirty Pages and Buffer Cache

    After the first GO, here is what happens at a high level ( I am excluding the compilation steps, locks etc,.since

    that is out of scope for discussion here):

    1. The data...

  • RE: Dirty Pages and Buffer Cache

    Dirty Page: Def 1 is correct. They may include uncommitted trans also.

    Buffer Cache: Def 2 is correct. The procs are in procedure cache.

    Checkpoint: Def is correct except, happens in...

  • RE: Storage Array - Disks & controllers

    Thanks for the information. The reason I am asking for a SAN is, besides one or two main servers, we have about a dozen servers each with a few of...

  • RE: Showcontig and Extent Switches

    That sounds reasonable. So, it looks like the pages within the extent were not contiguous and the defrag fixed it to a large extent. Is that true?

  • RE: Restore large number of database on a server.

    It generates the restore commands, that you can run from the SQL Query Analyzer. It relies on the 'Restore filelistonly '

    to get the backups and constituent dat files. You can...

  • RE: Decyphering waitresource

    Yes, you are correct the third one is the page number.

    Say you have a wait on resource 5:1:9337310

    In my case DB 5 is Items and File 1 is Items_Data. ...

  • RE: Aggregate and Top


    thanks for the replies.

    The query

    select top 5 avg(int) from table

    gets the average of the entire table for int field, since the result is only one value the top 5...

  • RE: Averaging cost

    The problem with this is that I may not have 5 past data values all the time. Some time I

    may have only 3. It would not let me say:

    select avg...

  • RE: SQL server and load balancing

    The load balancing in SQL Server is through partitioned views. MS uses them extensively for all their TPC benchmarks. However, this requires lot of application & DB redesign and not...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)