Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 119 total)

  • RE: Distinct Select

    actually in our Db it is look like this, i change my code for a single project but actually it is for multiple project

    DECLARE @res AS TABLE (Id INT, PName...

  • RE: Add Check Constraint in Two Columns

    people here are help you please mention the table details you used


    columns you used in first table and columns you used in second table

    and its data type etc...

  • RE: Query Performance

    i am not sure what you but here is my solution

    SELECT c.CLIName1, c.CLICode, g.AGPName1 AS [GL Account Group], a.COAName1 AS [GL Account], d.DIVName1,


  • RE: while loop

    i think that's because your logic at the first cycle @min-2 is 1 and @end is 10000, so you insert all the record in the table...

  • RE: Merge Statement

    Merge in msdn just read it i think you get a clear vision

  • RE: Neea a better performance query

    @john-2 Mitchell-245523

    Thanks that was superb, this is why i posted here, a new logic in different dimension actually i use my base table in Devdb


  • RE: Neea a better performance query

    but the scan count that's what make me worry when there is no primary key or unique key,

    yes and i have the primary key in my original table for...

  • RE: The OUTPUT clause and T-SQL Syntax

    Sorry, seems something not clear in this question, in the Question (select 4) what it means

    i am choosing 2 3 5 it say i am wrong

    if object_id('test2') is not...

  • RE: SMO.Scripter: Help Walking a DependencyCollection

    use the Urn.Type for your requirement

    foreach (DependencyCollectionNode dcoln in dcollect)


    if( dcoln.urn.Type=="View")

    -- do what you want


  • RE: Differnet Join Statement

    thanks for your response bro, i tried it works thanks , just make a little bit faster here which will increase the IO opeartion also

    SELECT a.Eid, b.cDocNo

    FROM ...

  • RE: Solve Problems Using Recursive CTE

    this is my contribution

    USE tempdb



    DROP TABLE TestTbl


    INSERT INTO Testtbl




    SELECT TOP 1000 ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY c.object_id) id FROM...

  • RE: Need help in xml

    thanks for you assistance i am just learning now how to use xml in sqlserver please assist me, can give some link to see like this kind of stuff

  • RE: Recursion with a Twist

    how about this one

    SET @InvoiceID = 1;WITH rCTE AS


    SELECT InvoiceID, BookingID, 1 AS HierarchyLevel

    FROM #IDs


  • RE: Search a string from multiple column in a table

    may be a Freetext index is a better option

  • RE: Convert rows to columns

    seems this Cross Tab Procedure[/url] will help your to solve this issue

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 119 total)