Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)

  • RE: Converting date time

    I need to export fields to a flat file to import into a billing system. Thanks for your help but I just realized that we have a function in...

  • RE: Converting date time

    Sorry, but that doesn't work as I need the format to be last day of previous month in MM/DD/YYYY format.

  • RE: Converting date time

    That works for the date as 05/31/2009 but it also gives me the time of 00:00:00.000 and I only need 05/31/2009.

    Thanks, any other ideas?

  • RE: Formatting Dates in SQL 2005

    Thanks, that worked. I modified it a bit for a column I need to format.


  • RE: Union all with order by not working

    Thanks a bunch. That worked like a gem.

  • RE: Union all with order by not working

    Thanks, I will try this when I get time and let you know.

  • RE: How Do I strip the decimal out of a price

    Thank you. I changed the line to convert only to an int and *100 like below.

    left(CONVERT(int,total_price*100)+' ', 6)

    the 21.80 converted to 2180. Thanks...

  • RE: Formatting a date field

    Yes, you are correct. The original developer or our company's softwae has created this date function. However, this fancy dancy date format does require a convert otherwise the...

  • RE: Formatting a date field

    Thanks everyone. The following worked for me.

    select convert(varchar, dbo.date_format(getdate(), 'dd-mmm-yy'))

    This returned me the value 19-FEB-09, just like I needed.

  • RE: Formatting a date field

    Thanks, this works great except I need the - between the dd-month-yy.

  • RE: Cursors

    Thank you so much for your help. The length fixed the cursor and it is working now.

  • RE: Cursors

    Tried the modified cursor as requested and I still get the same results. Any more ideas. I tried doing a simple update statement also but that doesn't work.



  • RE: Cursors

    Thanks, I was just thinking of using a simple update statement. I am new to cursors and was trying to use a cursor as a learning thing. If...

  • RE: SQL 2000 Grouping Query

    Thank you for your help. This worked like a gem, and it makes sense to me now. Gail, thanks for your reply too.

    Have a good day.

  • RE: Exporting Reports

    Thank you. I will try this out as soon as I can.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)