Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 47 total)

  • RE: Problem with Tsql script

    Thanks Gary it worked

  • RE: Problem with Tsql script

    Thanks vladan it worked !! Now it gives me resultset of

    EXEC sp_dropextendedproperty @name = 'MS_Description' ,@level0type = 'schema' ,@level0name = dbo ,@level1type...

  • RE: Scramble ntext information

    Jeff that was setup during design time which I'm not sure of it now I need scramble that column as binary instead of text ? Do...

  • RE: Scramble ntext information

    Is possible to do ntext to binary are or not?

  • RE: How to update table without primary key

    I want to use cursor to do this way

    OPEN c_table

    FETCH NEXT FROM c_table INTO @table_counter

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    UPDATE student

    set class_id = "1234" so...

  • RE: How to random dates

    Thanks a lot it worked like a charm by the way what is nsd means in the code

  • RE: How to random dates

    I'm using sql2000 for this code

  • RE: How to random dates

    it is giving me

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ';'.

    at ;with location

  • RE: How to random dates

    sorry that is typo is the script starts with semi-colon

    ;with like that

  • RE: How to random dates

    Thanks once again is the statment like this


    cteNewStartDate AS

    (--==== Get the available Scholar_ID's and create a new "start date" for each

    SELECT Scholar_ID,


  • RE: How to random dates

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for you reply but update statement is not work is syntax correct or not

  • RE: How to restrict field length

    Hi RBarry ! Thanks for your quick response I'm not clear on your response I'm trying to replicate field for test data

  • RE: How to random dates

    Jeff thanks a lot again for your help here is create table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[scholar] (

    [scholar_id] [int] NOT NULL ,

    [scholar_num] [nvarchar] (20)

    [scholar_cur_stat] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,

    [scholar_location] [tinyint] NULL...

  • RE: How to random dates

    jeff thanks alot how to use this one in striaght update

    SELECT SomeDate AS StartDate,

    SomeDate+1 AS EndDate

    FROM (


  • RE: How to random dates

    Thanks Todd for your reply I will try it and let know how it goes

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 47 total)