Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 5,583 total)

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    RBarryYoung (5/27/2016)

    Anyone else going to SQL Saturday in Philly next week? I don't think I recognized anyone on the speakers list...

    I'll be there.

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Grant Fritchey (5/24/2016)

    WayneS (5/24/2016)

    Grant Fritchey (5/24/2016)

    Thrilling stuff Steve. Congrats!

    My two are graduating high school tomorrow (and turning 18 on the same day, **** I'm old).

    Especially if you consider that...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Grant Fritchey (5/24/2016)

    Thrilling stuff Steve. Congrats!

    My two are graduating high school tomorrow (and turning 18 on the same day, **** I'm old).

    Especially if you consider that you waited to...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    ThomasRushton (5/23/2016)

    Been a bit quiet here over the weekend - was there an outage, or did everyone else suddenly have an attack of Real Life?

    SQL Saturday Atlanta for me.

  • RE: 3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Using Entity Framework

    In your article, you have:

    var results = db.Customer.Where(c => c.State == "Ohio");

    Which is changed to this to limit the query to only the necessary columns:

    var results = db.Customer


  • RE: 3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Using Entity Framework

    You gotta just love the way ORM does this:

    var results = db.Customer.Where(c => c.State == "Ohio");

    what really was running behind the scenes was this:







  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse? (5/12/2016)

    Michael L John (5/12/2016)

    Ed Wagner (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    J Livingston SQL (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    And Post Padder is still at it.

    yeah....about 15 today

    We can call him pp. :w00t:

    Agreed. Now...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Sean Lange (5/9/2016)

    Oh is a discussion on another forum from earlier today.


    My SQL update string looks like this: "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET ??? = " +...

  • RE: Login failed password did not match for SQL loin

    solomon.jernas (5/9/2016)


    Login Failed for user 'APP' Reason Password did not matche that for the login provided

    Error No : 18456 : Serverity 14 State 8

    State 8 means that...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    David Burrows (5/6/2016)

    Grumpy DBA (5/4/2016)

    ^ I agree with Brandie. Matter of fact that's how I came to my current employer, a former colleague has been here for 8 years...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Anyone else having trouble receiving the SSC newsletters? I just received Saturday's "Database Weekly", and I haven't received any of the daily ones this week.

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    xsevensinzx (5/3/2016)

    Hey guys,

    Need some advice. I got a really good job offer recently to work at a company as a DBA. I'm currently a data architect that built and manages...

  • RE: View Deadlock Graphs

    To all: the latest version of this script is up on my blog.

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Anyone have experience loading ASCII flat files into tables where the files may contain some extended ASCII characters? Any special tricks involved to accomplish this load?


  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Personally, I think this would be the most useful for the OP:

    /* Version number binary from daily registy */

    DECLARE @VERSION_STRING VARBINARY(MAX) = 0x666377247978767F6E2A6C803C3D7B8376808281817B42687E8D4A658F8A8D88419B8F8D8D8D474863A19C9190A2925F94A5A7A698656E9E59A69CA1695EABAEB5B7A8ACB5BDBABABBBC79ADB67DC2B1BA888674CACFCEC4C9C0CAC37DC7C3D4D5D991DACAC7D3DADDACD0CFE19FA4E9E092;

    /* Inline Tally for parsing the binary string...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 5,583 total)