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Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 61 total)

  • Reply To: No-code Software Engineering

    JSON or XML are supposed to be versatile(unlike older mainframe type hierarchies) and capable of being transmitted and consumed by a broad range of systems. Where as relational databases are...

  • Reply To: No-code Software Engineering

    The issue isn't so much that SQL server can't parse and format json it's that the data is represented in fundamentally different ways.

    In which case why bother with JSON? Isn't...

  • Reply To: Containers Are The Present, Not the Future

    I could have a container running PostGres, another running Python 3.7 with a bunch of libraries, Python 3.9 with a different set of libraries and versions of those libraries, a...

  • Reply To: Containers Are The Present, Not the Future

    It would be very helpful to have a clear definition of what the term "container" means.

    What is the difference between a container and a virtual machine?

    I was persuaded to enter...

  • Reply To: No-code Software Engineering

    The proponents I've seen for low code/no code encourages allowing the "citizen developer" to write low code/no code applications. They are the domain experts. They understand the problem. Under normal...

  • Reply To: No-code Software Engineering

    Some thoughts on the subject.

    Axiomatic reuse. Software methods that apply to all possible applications. The relational model replaced every application needing to devise its own approach to data management.

    Application derivation....

  • Reply To: Distributed SQL Databases

    Chris Date - An Introduction to Database Systems - 8th Edition  - Chapter 21 Distributed Databases.

    Published in 2004, but everything Date has to say about distributed DBMSs is just as...

  • Reply To: Fantasy SQL Server

    What would I like to see in SQL Server in the future?

    1. Assertions (in the SQL standard since SQL-92. Until now no one has implement them - I hear Oracle...

  • RE: The Wild Developers of SQL Server like Wildcards

    In the relational model all data is represented as attributes, within tuples within relations (columns, rows and tables in SQL speak). This means that all data manipulation can be achieved...

  • RE: T-SQL Decommenter Part II

    Or using powershell and regex

    ([regex]"(?im)--.*?$").replace(([regex]"(?s)\/\*.*?\*\/").replace($sql, ""), "")

  • RE: Byte Me: Killer Conference

    The brand new go to technology in the NoSQL arena is TrumpDB.

    The  same query in TrumpDB will always deliver a different answer.

    TrumpDB is super...

  • RE: The Evolving DBA

    A good article Steve, thank you.

    There is one sentence that I would like to comment on.

    The data is the more important asset we work with and all our efforts...

  • RE: Minimal Meetings

    In my experience the "just want to hear how everyone is doing" meeting can often turn into the manager talking for the full hour with nobody else getting a word...

  • RE: Minimal Meetings

    For managers the best kind of meeting is the meta-meeting. A meeting in which you do nothing other than discuss other meetings.

  • RE: What is SQL Server not good at?

    @L' Eomot Inversé

    support the relational model

    Yes, that is something that SQL Server doesn't do well.

    However the competitors are no better on this front.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 61 total)