Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 57 total)

  • RE: Building an API

    You can get anything you want at the Master System Flow Chart.

    Couldn't agree with you more Jeff.

  • RE: Building an API

    And the arguments against using a set of GET* and PUT* SP's to implement any data handling system are?

  • RE: The Worst Advice

    Steve Newton (7/10/2009)

    All too often with security issues on Production environments or time constrained developments, they will be fixed by adding the application user account to Local admin on the...

  • RE: The Worst Advice

    John Rowan (7/10/2009)

    [...] Spreadsheetized [...]

    Have you copyrighted the term yet?

    Are you going to charge royalties for its use?

    Just so 😎

    And encapsulates the gist of most of the bad...

  • RE: No More SOX

    Taking a less nit-picking and more productive approach though...

    Red Cat (6/1/2009)

    [...] has done more to hamstring our productivity than just about anything I can think of [...]

    I'm another...

  • RE: No More SOX

    Jeff Moden (5/31/2009)

    "Its the Law"

    A four word reason "It's the law".

    I soooo dislike misuse of the apostrophe in possessive case, particularly of the verb "to be".

    Probably a left...

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    Gift Peddie (5/15/2009)

    [...] Sharepoint development is modifying existing code it is not related to software development. [...]


  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    Lynn Pettis (5/15/2009)

    [...] That is why I think you ran into the exceptions rather than the rule. [...]

    The logical and unassailable alternative, is that you've run into the exceptions rather...

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    Gift Peddie (5/15/2009)

    [...] was told to run along to do what women do [...]


    The imperative programming wiki was interesting reading.

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    lcardwell (5/8/2009)

    cherie j sheriff (5/8/2009)

    There are so many methods of getting the education out there, college just isn't up to the challenge yet.

    Hmmm.... that's a pretty bold statement, and often...

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    could the moderator perhaps add this emoticon

    purely for the use of self indulgent individuals such as myself?

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    Jeff Moden (5/6/2009)

    [...] my most difficult task has been to make people first recognize.... they're in a box [...]

    by having the

    wldhrs (5/5/2009) [...] ability to dampen one's responses to a...

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    lcardwell (5/6/2009)

    [...] most of those that struggle with the larger concepts are those that have great depth, but limited breadth [...]


    Like trying to explain to the silo owners why part...

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?


    Well, you made my day with that post, just sometimes I get the idea that I'm talking to the trees, then someone comes along who's, more than likely, actually talking...

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    Nicole Bowman (5/5/2009)

    [...]think about problems/issues, and write (hopefully) in a clear and professional manner[...]

    This is terribly dependant on the social context, and that comment, is, I guess, dependant on my...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 57 total)