
Technical Article

RE: Conditional DELETE

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quote: Create linked server to Excel File. sp_addlinkedserver N'Excel', N'Jet 4.0', N'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', N'c:\data\MySheet.xls', NULL, N'Excel 5.0' GO sp_addlinkedsrvlogin N'Excel', false, sa, N'ADMIN', NULL GO And run query as following. delete account where acct_id IN (SELECT ColumnA FROM [FROM EXCEL...Sheet1] where ColumnA = 1000) I'm going to have to try this one.

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RE: Dynamic Columns

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Hi RKS, quote: I have a table that has fields 'ColPosition'(int) and 'ColName'(char200) and a 'Jobid'(int). I will not know how many 'ColPosition' there are. From this I would like to create a table with as many fields as there are ColPositions for a particular Jobid, then parse the ColName and insert it into the […]


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RE: tracking updates on tables

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Hi Noel, quote: Don't see the problem here... If the Manager gets deleted, so would the ID, so there is no difference in it. there is a huge problem!!! First thing to do when dealing with managers is to give them some nicely colored PPT slides, you then might be able to keep them out […]

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RE: creating a db user role

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You only need to allow access the the user db, and optionally place them in a user-defined role. For the SP in that db that creates a temp table, just grant execute permission to the user, or to public (the lazy way ), or to the user-defined role. No tempdb permissions are required.

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