Azure SQL Data Warehouse (ASDW)

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RE: Getting stuck and feeling useless! please help!

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Tim,This is a divide and conquer case. As a guidance you can take a look at the following code Create table #TDups( Person_Id int,        Role varchar(50),                      Dte datetime,                      Surname varchar(50),                      Forename varchar(50),                      Dob datetime)Insert into #TDups( Person_Id, Role , Dte, Surname, Forename, Dob) Select P.Person_ID, P.Role, P.Dte, P.Surname, P.Forename, P.Dob From […]

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Aye Yi Yi

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AOL reports 90% of it's incoming SPAM comes from other ISP's mail relays. The estimate is that at this pace of growth, we'd be looking at 95% of all email being SPAM by mid-2006. I think 95% of my email right now is SPAM, so if things stayed the same, I'd be ok with that. […]

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9 reads

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RE: DB Limitations in sql server

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Heck, I'll throw out the "O" word here. You might even want to look at Oracle 10G grid computing. It may be a better solution depending on what you are doing. We're just coming off our last Oracle database. A little harder to setup initially, but once it came up we ran for almost 3 […]


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RE: Date Column with NULL value

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It's a bit difficult to believe that you would ever have a NULL StartDate with a valid EndDate.  Normally, it's the other way around.  But, no worries...For NULL StartDates, I would treat them as if they were '01/01/1900'  and I would treat NULL EndDates as if they were '12/31'9999'SELECT * FROM xyz WHERE ISNULL(StartDate,'01/01/1900') < […]


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user not able to run jobs

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I have a developer who I want to be able to create and run jobs on a test server.  He has db_owner on his own database, and even db_owner on msdb.  He can view and edit the jobs, but he isn't able to run them.  He is not the owner of the job; I have a […]

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