
SQLServerCentral Article

Handling Simple XML Using T-SQL

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SQL Server 2000 integrates a number of features to work with XML data and SQL Server 2005 should expand upon that. However the SQL Server 2000 extensions for working with XML data in T-SQL are not that mature. New author Eli Leiba looks at how he can traverse an XML file using T-SQL code.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Lookup Table Design

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Designing a SQL Server database is a challenging task. Making decisions about how to build tables, their relations, etc. can be a full time job for any DBA helping to build an application. Lookup tables are a part of just about every application that you work with or build a back end for. Leo Peysakhovich brings us an article on database design that deals specifically with lookup tables.

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Technical Article

RE: Small WHERE clause problem

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Yes, you're right about NULL. I just tried the use of a boolean bitUseDateSelection (which defaults to 0 unless both dates aren't NULL).The result would be something like: SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE @bitUseDateSelection = 0  OR [date] BETWEEN @DateFrom AND @DateUntil Thanks for your reply.Gerry


SQLServerCentral Article

Worst Practices - Not Using Primary Keys and Clustered Indexes

  • Article

Two weeks ago Andy started his wildly successful series on Worst Practices. This week he continues that series discussing why failing to use primary keys and clustered indexes are worst practices. Agree or disagree, read the article and join the discussion. One thing you'll have to admit, reading an article by Andy is a lot more interesting than reading Books Online!

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2008-05-09 (first published: )

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