
Technical Article

RE: Create an ALERT for successful Backup ???

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USE MESSAGE 18264 to create the alert!ex:IF (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts WHERE name = N'Some body run a BACKUP successfuly'))  ---- Delete the alert with the same name.   EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_delete_alert @name = N'Some body run a BACKUP successfuly' BEGIN EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name = N'Some body run a BACKUP successfuly', @message_id = 18264, @severity […]

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Converting Query Results to Negative Numbers -- Totalling Results

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I was given the following example to convert data to negative numbers in a given condition:SELECT RecordType, CASE WHEN RecordType = 20 THEN (Quantity_Ord * -1) ELSE Quantity_Ord END AS Quantity_Ordered FROM TABLENAMEIt works great, but I also need to total the results.  When I tell it to sum the quantity_ordered column, SQL keeps giving […]

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RE: DOES Full backup Clear out Transaction Logs?

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Understood, but why do they have "Terminate users" option for the Standby option?From many technical paper, it seems to suggest that even Read-only copy, user will get booted off if you have the "terminate users" option selected.Check it out!  It's annoying to have to do the extra step and it's confusing as well. If it […]

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RE: scripting views

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1. I have around 150 views and ALL can be scripted out. So I don't know what are you talking about. 2. Are you using anything special like schemabinding or are the views dependencies Too Deep ? It may be worth researching a little bit more!

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