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RE: DTS Errors

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You probably do not have the privilege to execute jobs on the server.  Change the resulting job ownership to a login that has execute job permission after you schedule the DTS package.

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Deletign a log file: Urgent

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Here is the situation. The Transaction log backup failed repeatedly over time the log began to consume the drive. This basically brought down the server because the transaction log was full. I added a second log file on a different drive and then performed a backup, truncated and shrunk the log file.I now want to […]

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XP_CMDSHELL Results Question

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I am using the following script to attempt to obtain a file list from a mapped drive. (The drive is mapped from a UNIX Box) Drop Table Reuseable.dbo.tblDir Go Create Table Reuseable.dbo.tblDir ( dirtext nvarchar(255)) Go Insert Into Reuseable.dbo.tblDir exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir p:\' Go Select * From Reuseable.dbo.tblDir  RESULTAccess deniedNULL What am I doing Wrong??

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