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RE: A complex problem

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Hi, try this one, I hope it will help: select bh.Tank_no, bh.Start_time, bh.End_time, ts.Output_Reading - te.Output_Reading as Trend_Tonne, eds.Output_Reading - ede.Output_Reading as External_Data_Tonne from Batch_History as bh inner join Trend as ts -- Trend start on (ts.Tank_no = bh.Tank_no) and (ts.Time_Stamp = bh.Start_time) inner join Trend as te -- Trend end on (te.Tank_no = bh.Tank_no) […]

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RE: Restore Database to new SQL Server from backup

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and to add to Osoba you will need also ,REPLACE if the files existsRESTORE DATABASE MyNwind FROM MyNwind_1 WITH NORECOVERY, MOVE 'MyNwind' TO 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\NewNwind.mdf', MOVE 'MyNwindLog1' TO 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\NewNwind.ldf', REPLACERESTORE LOG MyNwind FROM MyNwindLog1 WITH RECOVERY  

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RE: Stored Procedure Problem - Exits Prematurely?

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Fair point but this wouldn't work if your SP was kicked of by another server process (say, a batch job).I do generally dissagree though... you should always have error handling in your procedures.It's true that serious errors just kill the procedure before your error handler kicks in and you need to cater for that, but […]

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RE: Insert daily records from one table to individual merchant tables

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Hi,If it helps - yes you can do away with cursors and still step through everything:-  SET @PK = (SELECT MIN(PK) FROM #Values)   SET @MaxPK = (SELECT MAX(PK) FROM #Values)  WHILE @PK <= @MaxPK   BEGIN--Do whatever you are doingSET @PK = (SELECT MIN(PK) FROM #Values WHERE PK > @PK)   ENDThough i'm not too certain what […]

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RE: Invalid class string when running DTS pkg as scheduled job

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I have had this error message when attempting to run a dts package connecting to Oracle when the package was designed on a computer with the Oracle drivers but I was attempting to run it from a computer that did not have the Oracle drivers.   Could you be running the job from a different computer […]

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RE: Error while running DTS package

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Is is possible that your Ingres table has a column of a custom datatype that SQL Server has no known equivalent for?  Or a size that SQL Server can't handle? You might try pulling one column, and if it works, add a second then a third, until you determine what the problem column is.  Once […]

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