Integrity Check

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SQL Server Backup, Integrity Check, Index and Statistics Maintenance

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Solution for Backup, Integrity Check, Index and Statistics Maintenance in SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, and SQL Server 2017.

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2018-06-04 (first published: )

47,274 reads

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RE: Query Analyzer and sysdepends

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well if the procs work.. nothing. SysDepends is used when ou ask sql server to show the object dependencies (spa needs table1,view2 and vice-verca)... but this is not always accurate. So I guess the worst that could happen is that you delete a proc that is actually needed but that sql server "said" it wasn't.

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RE: Reporr drilldown option

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As you may or may not read in another thread I created...I am having trouble implementing the drill down..I actually have it implemented and it works great in the ReportDesigner preview pane...but when I deploy to the ReportServer and page just reloads itself when I click on the (-) for drill into.Any ideas?

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RE: Restoring an SQLServer 2000 database - questions...

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First, that's NOT a large database. I've restored a 200+ GB database (yes, that's GIGABYTE).Next, how did you do the restore? Can you post your script?It looks like you may have used WITH NORECOVERY which will leave the database in LOADING state awaiting other backup files.WITH NORECOVERY is used when you have to also restore […]

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RE: Help needed with query/sp

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Hmmm... Well here is a quick sample SP I just wrote that should help you with the variable usage. USE pubs GO -- First check to see if the sproc exists and if so drop it. IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id('MySampleSproc'))     DROP PROCEDURE MySampleSproc GO /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: MySampleSprocDescription: sample procedure for […]

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