
Technical Article

How does SQL Server divide up CPU

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We have a performance problem on our servers and we have isolated it down to one particular application.  However, the question asked in meetings is how does SQL Server divvy up CPU between SPIDs?  For example, between 10:32:36am and 10:48:02am, the server's CPU was maxed out by the service sqlservr.exe.  Looking in Enterprise Manager at […]

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Forcing order of evaluation

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I recognize that a where clause with something like "WHERE A=B and C=D" you might not be able to count whether or not it will evaulate the "C=D" if A<>B.But there are times you need to and I thought it was possible by doing nested selects.  But it isn't working.  Here is a real example:select * […]

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Names resolution ?

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Hi allHad some very strange prod server errors yesterday, basically this connection string would result in around a 5sec delay per connect, this is reminicient of a MDAC bug in dbnetlib.dll (see KB 300420).The string was:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=10.10.xx.xx,2433;Network Library=DBMSSOCNI have the client network util on the box, so created an alias called "BILLABONG" and […]

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Technical Article

RE: From the soapbox: Does anyone know what disaster recovery is?

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Disaster Recovery (DR) is the process of restoring systems to an operational status after a catastrophic systems failure leading to a complete loss of operational capability. Business Continuity (BC) is the forethought to prevent loss of operational capability even though there may be a catastrophic failure in some parts of the system. BC includes DR plans […]


Technical Article

RE: Who owns a Job?

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if you're talking about SQL Agent jobs, they correspond to logins (sysjobs has a sid column as a result). Since roles (at least ones we can define) are at the database level, they can't be assigned as the owner of a job. K. Brian Kelley, GSEC Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server […]

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