
SQLServerCentral Article

Creating Stored Procedure Documentation with XML, SQL-DMO and XSLT

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This article introduces TSQLDoc, a Windows Script Host script that extracts procedure metadata and embedded documentation comments from Transact-SQL stored procedures, generates XML documentation for every stored procedure in a database and optionally transforms the XML document into HTML or other format using XSLT.

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Technical Article

bcp command -- what am I doing wrong?

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Hi all . . . Am trying to use bcp to do a bulk insert into a table. The syntax I'm using is as follows: bcp "[Database_Name].dbo.[Table_Name]" in "filename.txt" -r"~" -m25 -U"sysadminID" -P"sysadminPW" Note: the tilde "~" is my flat file field delimiter, and the maxerror flag is set because I'm trying to import into […]

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Technical Article

Bytes per row

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I have a table with several columns and data types. I am looking for assistance on how I can query this table to calculate the total number of bytes created for this table. -JG -JG

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Parsing EXE Output in PowerShell


I saw a post internally that asked this question: Anyone have a handy powershell...

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