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RE: QOD Cheats

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Well, what do you know! I thought about the potential for cheating (especially because I was way behind on my Email), but decided no, there's no way they'd let me answer after the day of the question--it would most certainly be disabled. So I didn't even try. Ha, ha!


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Technical Article

RE: Converting hex to int

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When you CONVERT(VARBINARY, '0x8A') sql converts the chars to hex (0x30783841) 30 (0) 78 (x) 38 (8) 41 (A) When you CONVERT(VARBINARY, 0x8A) sql converts the value 0x8A to hex (0x8A) That is why when these are converted to int one works the other does'nt. I think Franks dynamic sql solution is the only way […]

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RE: Conditional DELETE

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quote: Create linked server to Excel File. sp_addlinkedserver N'Excel', N'Jet 4.0', N'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', N'c:\data\MySheet.xls', NULL, N'Excel 5.0' GO sp_addlinkedsrvlogin N'Excel', false, sa, N'ADMIN', NULL GO And run query as following. delete account where acct_id IN (SELECT ColumnA FROM [FROM EXCEL...Sheet1] where ColumnA = 1000) I'm going to have to try this one.

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RE: QOD Cheats

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Yes. But I thought there were compatibility problems if you tried certain things? Have you had any problems? btw where would I get SQL2K tools if I have'nt got SQL2K!!!

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RE: Dynamic Columns

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Hi RKS, quote: I have a table that has fields 'ColPosition'(int) and 'ColName'(char200) and a 'Jobid'(int). I will not know how many 'ColPosition' there are. From this I would like to create a table with as many fields as there are ColPositions for a particular Jobid, then parse the ColName and insert it into the […]


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RE: need a big help-how to send an eamil from mail lis

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Ilan, I think what you want to do it to create a single variable with a list of users and then set that as @recipients. Try this: declare @recipient varchar(1000) set @recipient = '' select @recipient = @recipient + case when @recipient > '' then ';' else '' end + EMAIL from dbo.users print @recipients […]

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RE: how to pass result from a Stored Procedures

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I'd suggest you use the return value from a procedure in this way only to indicate the success or failure of execution. Although many developers use it this way to return integer values to the calling procedure, I prefer using OUTPUT to return non-error code. Joseph. quote: if i get you right: DECLARE @retval INT […]

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RE: Please help me!!

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You could create a UDF that accepts two dates (and the day of week you want to count between the two dates) and returns the number of the count. You then use the UDF in your query.


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RE: Remote login and password in linked servers

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If you are using a remote login in a linked server, that login does not need to be transferred to your new server, just create the Linked Server with the same details as the old server. I don't remember if it is possible to script the Linked Server details, try searching this forum or the […]

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RE: Pastable Postings

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Hi mccork, quote: I copy some code from QA and then paste it into a topic reply between "code" delimiters. It pastes ok, but if I copy that same stuff from the topic and paste back into QA then I get no line breaks in it. SQL code inserted by other people will paste nicely […]

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