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RE: FTP - Get multiple files

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I process a lot of data that belongs to other companies. Much of this data has to first be acquired from various ftp sites. So, I want to ftp in information and then process it, so I use DTS to do the whole shabang. I use the built-in Windows FTP program, FTP.exe, to ftp in […]

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Technical Article

RE: SQL Server Hanging when Update Statement Executed

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Why don't you run a profiler trace on the stored procedures that the web app is executing , maybe you will find something there . Also look at your stored proc's if they have the with recompile option enables - if so ...disable it , let sql use the buffer manager to read execution plans […]

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Technical Article

RE: find text in database

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Another little thing, you will have to play/read up on all the possible values for type, xtype etc to ensure you have the correct "text" type fields. Here's a useful view that I use to get table and column lists, that I wack through an access report. SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT AS table_name, […]

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Technical Article

RE: find text in database

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A weird request, but one that could be solved writing some dynamic SQL. 1. Iterate through the list of tables in the database that contain "text" type fields. Probably best declaring a cursor on 'sysobjects' selecting name and id where the xtype = 'U'. You could do it all in one by linking across to […]

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RE: Init caps

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On a similar note, if my SQL 7 database is set up to be case insensitive, how would I go about checking whether a column is all upper case or not? If I did just a where address1 = upper(address1) I get everything back TIA Andre

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Technical Article

RE: Computed columns

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Can't speak to the view through EM but, to get the formula I would GUESS that you could script out the table and see the computation associated with that column. Curious if that works so, let me know. Thanks. David

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Technical Article

RE: SQL Server Hanging when Update Statement Executed

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If you can run sp_who2 and sp_lock, I would start there. When you run sp_who2 look at the BlkBy column to see what process is blocking the others. Check that process out in the sp_lock results and start your troubleshooting there. BOL has some good information on the results from sp_lock that will help you […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Dynamic SQL or Stored Procedure

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We've had a lot of coverage of dynamic sql (including another great one from Robert Marda later this week) but this one is a little different. Done in a question/answer format, Andy tries to explain to junior developers why dynamic sql is to be avoided, how to do so, what to do when you can't.

2.67 (3)

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2005-08-26 (first published: )

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