
SQLServerCentral Article

Troubleshooting Cannot Generate SSPI Context Errors

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As a DBA you do not need to know how to setup an Active Directory domain or a DNS server, but you still need to know how Kerberos, Service Principle Names, and hostnames are used to perform integrated authentication to a SQL Server. This article by new columnist Chad Miller shows you some of the more integral parts of troubleshooting running Windows Authentication security in a SQL Server environmnet.

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2007-10-02 (first published: )

68,687 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Logins, Users, and Roles - Getting Started

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Do you know the difference between a login and a user? What's the best way to add them; Enterprise Manager, T-SQL, or SQL-DMO? In this beginner level article Andy demonstrates how to use all three methods to add logins and users and offers his view of which is the best technique.

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2005-09-30 (first published: )

37,096 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Who's to Blame for the SQL Slammer Virus?

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Last week the SQL Sapphire (or SQL Slammer) virus hit corporate networks throughout the Internet. Although damage has not been estimated yet, it is sure to be in the tens of millions of dollars. So who is to blame when a virus like this manhandles a corporate environment?

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