
SQLServerCentral Article Launches SQL Server Security Analzyer

  • Article launched its first online free software, which can evaluate your SQL Server remotely and look for SQL Server security vulnerabilities. This free service looks for weak or no passwords and does a basic penetration test online.

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SQLServerCentral Article

SQLsnake Worm Hits SQL Servers and Networks Hard

  • Article

If you haven't changed the SA password on your SQL Server, you may be soon paying the price. Beginning last week, an old worm has come back in full force, infecting about 100 SQL Servers an hour. Reports of heavy port 1433 scanning began in early may but by the 22nd, the virus really began to take its hold on systems with no SA password.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Auditing Your SQL Server Environment Part I

  • Article

Ever been placed into a new environment and couldn't
find an ounce of documentation? This article is the first in a series that will help you make an audit of your new environment
and determine if any SQL Server login does not have a password, has a password the same as the login name or a password that is only one character long.

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Technical Article

Stored procedure parameters and ADO

  • Topic

I have an Access application that runs a series of queries that end up by creating a table with a column of prospect id's called prspct_id. I would like to pass the prspct_id's as a parameter to a stored procedure that updates each prospects info in a SQL 7 database. I want to use ADO […]


Technical Article

What kind of alerts do you use?

  • Topic

I am wondering what kind of alerts do you find useful for SQL Server in your production environment? We are thinking of using some but the only thing that comes to mind as useful is an alert for when the processors are near 100% usage. For those of you who use alerts do you use […]



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