
Technical Article

Weekdays between two days

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I had found some elegant code posted here to calculate the number of days minus weekends between two given dates. And, I cannot locate it now. Can someone post it if they a script to do it or point to the right area?

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Technical Article

Client install created an instance

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Hi, I was installing SQLServer 2000 on my work station (OS WIndows 2000), and wanted to install only the client without creating an instance of SQLServer on my local machine, I could do that in SQLServer 7.0 on NT 4.0 machine, can I do it now or has it changed ? While installation, it gave […]


Technical Article

Locale ID and Unicode problems

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Hi, I have inherited a SQL Server that now requires one of the databases to be moved from it to a new server. The problem is that this process really needs to be done using a backup & restore*, when I try to restore it to the new server I'm getting the annoying message that […]


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Technical Article

Simple backup DB questions

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When I copy a database to another server I want to be sure that I have copied all the data in the original database. 1. I can copy the MDF/LDF files (Sql 7+) to a new server and be sure that all the data in the database and trans logs is copied. Is this correct? […]


Technical Article

Time Out error in SQL reports

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Please, someone help me I'm working with VB SQL server 7.0 and crystal Reports doing a SQL internal report from VB with the crystal designer ocx but in design time it makes an error: Microsoft OLE DB provider for SQL Server: wait Time finished. this happends when i insert an SQL Query into the crystal […]


Technical Article

Failure to fire trigger

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I have created a trigger on one of my data tables to execute a DTS job eg: EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name= 'Output_Data' If I run this from the SQL Query Analyser it actually works, but when I put it into an INSERT trigger there doesn't seem to be any output ???


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Technical Article

Stored procedure debugging from VB

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Hi All, I am facing a few problems for debugging a stored procedure from VB using T-SQL Debugger. I am debugging against a default instance of sql server 2000, not named instance. I am able to debug with sql server 7.0 but not with sql 2000. On doing a 'execute' for ADOCOMMAND, I am getting […]

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Technical Article

Extracting most recent entry

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Hi, I have a table StatusLog (LogID, Status, StatusDate) which store history of statuses for each LogID. For example, LogID = 1 will have 2 statuses "Requested" and "Send" (2 records), LogID = 2 can have 3, "Requested", "Send" and "Shipped" (3 records). Ofcourse StatusDate stores corresponded date. I need to find the way to […]

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Technical Article

Some Questions for you to answer.

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#1. Can people make a living on DBA, Achitect, engineer, etc? #2. What are the fundamentals of Database?(mainly SQL, sometime people don't know what the heck this is but still they got the job and flowing around) #3. What is the most popular SQL server? Is it Oracle, Sybase, Inres, IBM, MYSQL or something else? […]


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Simple Talks Episode 7


The season 1, seventh episode of Simple Talks is out. Check it out, with...

A New Word: the McFly effect


the McFly Effect – n. the phenomenon of observing your parents interact with people...

Key mappings in Visual Studio Code


At a recent conference I was asked how I executed code during my presentation....

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