
SQLServerCentral Article

Dynamic SQL vs. Static SQL Part 1 - Security

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Sooner or later everyone who works with SQL Server hears that it is better to avoid dynamic SQL at all cost. Dynamic SQL will force you to give out more permissions than static SQL. This article by Robert Marda shows you some of the security issues with dynamic SQL.

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create or replace

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Is it possible to create a 'command' that will replace if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('usp_myproc')) begin drop procedure usp_myproc end create procedure usp_myproc with create or replace usp_myproc ... ? in which case I would like to know how? Best regards Henrik Staun Poulsen Stovi Software Denmark

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DTS: UNICODE to Ascii conversion?

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I wrote a DTS script that outputs a text file for a DOS program. Turns out, the DOS program couldn't read the file because it uses UNICODE character formatting! (Specs of DTS Box: Win 2K, Sql 7). Can DTS convert a UNICODE file to Ascii format? TIA, Bill


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Coding for "Not Distinct"

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I would like to run a simple query to identify duplicate records in a table, in other words, something like a NOT DISTINCT keyword would be perfect. Any ideas ?


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Technical Article

Does anybody know ?

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I'm using stored procedures xp_startmail, xp_sendmail and xp_stopmail to send emails from SQL server to different email addresses. Most of the time, every thing is Ok and emails are sent. But sometimes, i get following error .... ODBC: Msg 0, Level 19, State 1 SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 55 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is […]


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First Day of Week

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Does any one know, how can I get the first day of some week. For instance, I want to know the first day of week "20" in year 2001. Any help I appreciate. WolfJr


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A special querry

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How i can get the number of time that a specific string appear in each register of my DB using T-SQL. These strings are in a field separated between then by white spaces and comma, ex.:" 001, 002, 003, 001, 007, 001, 002, etc"


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Maintenance plans

  • Topic

Bit frightening how many people are using maintenance plans. Guess that's why there are so many posts on various forums about them not working. And why there are so many posts about people not understanding basic maintenance on sql server.

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