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Retrieving SQL Server Fixed Database Roles for Disaster Recovery

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We ran into a case recently where we had the logins and users scripted out on my SQL Server instances, but we didn't have the fixed database roles for a critical database. As a result, our recovery efforts were only partially successful. We ended up trying to figure out what the database role memberships were for that database we recovered but we'd like not to be in that situation again. Is there an easy way to do this?


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External Article

Re-generating SQL Server Logins

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SQL Server stores all login information on security catalog system tables. By querying the system tables, SQL statements can be re-generated to recover logins, including password, default schema/database, server/database role assignments, and object level permissions. A comprehensive permission report can also be produced by combining information from the system metadata.


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Monday Monitor Tip: Compliance Checking for Old Versions


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The Only Valid Test of a Backup is a Restore


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