SQL Server

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RE: QOD 6/10/2003

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I agree the best answer would have been UPDLOCK, but that was not an option. Since B only specified a UPDATE locking hint, it was incorrect, since there is no such thing as a UPDATE locking hint. Gregory Larsen, DBA If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at http://www.geocities.com/sqlserverexamples


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RE: Best Practices for Reboot Schedule

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I have SQL Server 2000 on a MS Windows 2000 Advanced Server active/passive cluster. I rarely reboot my servers. They normally only get rebooted when I add software that requires it. About every 2-3 months I fail the SQL Server over to the backup node and then back to the primary node to make sure […]

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RE: Running scripts from scripts

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If you still want the batch file method, this might do it. @echo off cls echo Installing 1 of n osql /Sserver /Uuser /Ppassword -ddatabase -b /m-1 -iInstall01.sql -oInstall01.Err IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO er echo Installing 2 of n osql /Sserver /Uuser /Ppassword -ddatabase -b /m-1 -iInstall02.sql -oInstall02.Err IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO er echo Installing […]

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RE: Running scripts from scripts

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Hello David, quote: Ideally I would like to be able to do something along the lines of echo off cls osql -USA -PPassword -iInstall01.sql -oInstall01.Err if ErrorLevel==0   osql -USA -PPassword -iInstall01.sql -oInstall01.Err etc In an ideal world I would like something like the install routine that is used to apply SQL Server service packs. The […]

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RE: Running scripts from scripts

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I see what you are getting at but the situation is that I am installing databases on someone elses i.e. customers servers so this would be a bit "chicken and egg". It's great for my test environment thought. Ideally I would like to be able to do something along the lines of echo off cls […]

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RE: Using "Like" or Wildcard

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I'm not quite sure what you are doing with these statemeents, but it almost seems as if you are trying to use the ampersand symbol in place of the AND keyword? Is this correct? I'm having a little trouble seeing how your posted querystring relates to your original posted question on LIKE keyword... If possible, […]

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RE: alternative to nolock to avoid blocking trans

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How are you obtaining the resultsets? If from ADO, be sure to set the IsolationLevel of the ADODB.Connection object to ReadUncommitted. If from SQL, then you can issue a SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED command at the start of your batch. More in BOL. HTH, Jay


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RE: Need a Set-based way of number rows

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if you have a unique key in the results then yes USE PUBS SELECT ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Titles T2 WHERE T1.Title_id <= T2.Title_id) As RowNo , * FROM Titles T1 ORDER BY 1 but try this on a bigger table , and it will probably kill your server .. stick to the temporary table […]

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