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RE: ADO Timeout/Query Analyzer is not

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I have heard that before in an article I read somewhere but here is some on what the big deal is.http://www.winnetmag.com/SQLServer/Article/ArticleID/21752/21752.htmlHowever the file is instcat.sql can also be an issue with MDAC updates on the server or the clients. To correct you may actually want to search for all instances of instcat.sql left various installs […]

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RE: QOD 11/21

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I am amazed with how many people here have associated a clustered index with a primary key... That's the way the gui does it by default, but by no means does the clustered index have to be on a primary key. You can still have a primary key that isn't clustered on a table with […]

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RE: Performance issue

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The optimal environment is if you have plenty of disks to put the system, tempdb, logs, data and indexes on different physical disk arrays. you could even partition your data on separate disks depending on your database design. the overal best performance for the data and the index disk is RAID10 and for log and […]

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RE: Print statement in Stored Proc

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The proc does have transaction in it, but I'm printing a message before the first "BEGIN TRAN" statement. Speaking of checkpoints....does anyone know of a DBCC command to force one to occur? I was curious if you can force a database using the Simple recovery model to clean up its transaction log on demmand.

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RE: Log shipping

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Server 1 DB pubs is logshipped to server 2 db pub. Seperately, Server 1 db pubs replicates to server 2 db pubreadonly. Double the storage requirement but get the most out of your CPU and memory. Log shipping is for disaster recovery not for giving your users a database to run reports off of. John […]

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RE: Output from dynamic sql

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You might try bol (bools online) for the topics "sp_executesql" and "Using sp_executesql". The object (e.g., table) names need to be fully qualified in order for SQL Server to reuse a cached execution plan. Also, the execution of the query is very much like (maybe it's the same except for permissions) as calling a nested […]

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