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RE: Is This possible to do ?

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Well I finally got it to work with the help of a is the code  previous_discharge_date  = (SELECT MAX(ISNULL(referral_ref.dischargedate, '')) as previous_discharge_date     FROM      referral as referral_ref     WHERE      referral_ref.dischargedate  <>'2078-12-31 00:00:00'      AND referral.memid   = referral_ref.memid), I was making it way more complex than it needed to be... Thanks to everyone for the help Leeland

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RE: Making a copy of a sql table within same DB

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Are you actually dropping the original table? In the "Select into" you get all the data. As long as you don't drop the original table, if you want to back off the the import, you would just do: TRUNCATE TABLE TableName GO INSERT INTO TableName SELECT * FROM NewTableName GO The indexes, keys etc. should […]

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I need to delete millions of rows from a table older than x days. I broke this up into smaller delete batches like the following.SET ROWCOUNT 1000 WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN    delete from events         where datediff(day, EVENT_DATE, getdate()) > 10    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0         BREAKENDSET ROWCOUNT 0Would this lock the table at […]

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RE: T-SQL query from a cube to the datasource database.

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the following article could possibly help (it's about using AS and RS, look towards the end re: actions) but will depend a little on how dynamic you need to query.  If it's only ever going to return customers etc, then this may work for you. steve.

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RE: configuration for server

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print 'Free Space' print '----------' exec master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives print 'Memory' print '------' exec master.dbo.xp_msver print 'Database Configuration' print '----------------------' exec master.dbo.sp_configure print'DB Size' print'-------' exec master.dbo.sp_databases print 'Linked Servers' print '--------------' exec master.dbo.sp_helplinkedsrvloginprint 'Windows info' print '------------' exec master.dbo.sp_server_info

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RE: SQL to trigger an ASP file

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Triggers do not monitor data.  They only run on table for an insert, update, or delete transaction.Can you explain what the table holds?Is it a table that holds a single row of configuration data or is it the "timetoSend" column hold values for multiple rows?

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RE: DayName / Date -- Please HELP !

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Select datename (dw, Entrydate) as 'Day of week' , count(OrderNo) as NumberFrom [order-header]Where (SUBSTRING(source, 1, 8) = '223WHOLE')and EntryDate bewtween  '20040101' AND '20041231'  GROUP BYdatename (dw, Entrydate)



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