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RE: problem with linked server

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Hi Ilijana,I am not familiar with omitting the database name but it seems that omitting the owner name enables the MS-data-access-oracle-unit  (I think this is that MSDAORA) to find the table you want where as using "JZOB" as owner cause this unit to access a non existing object. As far as there are only one table IZDVOJENA_OR the second […]

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RE: creating ID for existing records

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The better thing to do would be to find existing field(s) whose combination will define the entity that table is tracking. Then make that combination or single field a primary key. You kill 2 birds with one stone, 1) you separate attributes from entity definition, so it is easy to know what the table is for […]

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RE: Database Ownership

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--Also, here's a script for you while I'm at it.  DECLARE  @int_counter INT,  @int_max INT,  @txt_name NVARCHAR(255),  @txt_sql NVARCHAR(2500)DECLARE @databases TABLE (  int_id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,  txt_name NVARCHAR(255))INSERT @databases(txt_name)  SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model','tempdb')SELECT  @int_counter = (SELECT MIN(int_id) FROM @databases),  @int_max = (SELECT MAX(int_id) FROM @databases)WHILE @int_counter <= @int_max BEGINSELECT […]

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RE: Restoring an SQLServer 2000 database - questions...

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THANKS much !!! (Yes, it isn't that large a database when you think about, compared to the others we have on this system it is one of the largest).Obviously I need to do a couple of practice restores on dummy databases to get this down.My big concern was after 3 hours, and having no gauge […]

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RE: Displaying Permissions

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This one puts the output into SQL commands that you can cut and paste into a new query and execute. -- af_revPermissions-- Verify existence of af_revPermissions procedure.  If it does exist, -- drop it, so that it can be re-created. if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[af_revPermissions]') and  OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)  begin […]

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