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RE: Naming a File and E-mailing Using DTS

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Try this one:declare @outfile varchar(255) declare @cmdshell varchar(255) declare @msgsubject varchar(255)set @outfile = 'd:\path\QryResult_' + convert(varchar(6), getdate(), 12) + '.asc' set @cmdshell = 'rename d:\path\yourfile.asc ' + @outfile exec xp_cmdshell @cmdshellset @msgsubject = 'This is the Query result for ' + convert(varchar(10), Getdate() , 102) exec xp_sendmail @recipients = ';',      @copy_recipients = '', […]


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RE: Log Shipping - Do we still do Full Backups

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Always back up your databases daily no matter what else you do. Say for example Monday morning you notice the log ship server had a problem with log shipping over the weekend and no trans logs have been applied, and due to the fact that they are older than your max retention period they have […]

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RE: Question of the Day for 02 Mar 2004

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Sure, I can. I do this kind of explanation each evening to my son when it's time to go to bed. - Start BOL (You should see 'Getting started...Microsoft SQL Server 2000...) The title bar should now state ...(Updated) - There should be a link to 'What's new in SQL Server Books Online'. - Following […]


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Dynamically Generate Table Name in Stored Procedure

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I have a stored procedure in which I test for the existence of a certain table and then drop it, if it exists.  I then recreate the same table.The problem is that this same table would potentially be dropped and recreated by many users, thereby deleting the result set that a given user had placed […]


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RE: Wild card join

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That is probably a good idea, but I still have to use chars as my datatype, because the codes are alpha numeric. Most of the time they are just numbers, but there is always at least one or two partially or totally alpha codes. Thanks for the suggestion. I will research implementing Nulls instead of […]

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