The insult before Christmas

  • The office Christmas party is a fancy dress.  The planned theme was a 70s night but people complained that the IT department would have an unfair advantage because that was what they normally wore to work

  • Ah yes, the IT department is fashionable 1x every 20 - 30 years and WE get the shaft.....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Even scarier is going home for whatever reason and running into your friends that you remember as thin with ahir and finding a fat bald man with bad teeth and is a regular at the local bar and still has yet to find a girlfriend.......

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Nobody makes fun of how we dress at my work, although they do complain about the smell sometimes (not about me, I take a sponge bath every month whether I need it or not .

    Speaking for Seattle, geek wair is at a height of popularity.  You used to be able to spot the nerds, now it's hard to tell them from rock stars.  The free tee-shirts we get at tech conventions are still a dead giveaway, though.


    Signature is NULL

  • Here in the UK anti-fit jeans are being marketed

    I've been wearing them for decades and I can buy 6 pairs for the price of the ones on the TV.

    There is also a fashion here for young people to wear tea-cosies on their head.  Frankly, if you thought that you cup of tea came out of a pot kept warm by one of these things you'd use the tea to poison your mother-in-laws begonias!

  • Joe,

    Speak for yourself!  I weigh nearly twice what I did in the 70's!  And I think the only clothes that I still have from back then is the coveralls that I wore in the Auto Mechanics course I took at the local Vo-Tech.  I think that if I could manage to get them on, it would be a REALLY ugly sight!

    Umm, lets see, I also have bad teeth and not nearly as much hair as I did in the 70's...

    but I'm not a regular at the local bar, and I've been married twice!


  • There is absolutely no doubt that it would have been cheaper and more fun, and I'd probably have more hair!


    Oh, and I checked that book cover, and, umm, I still have more hair than you do!!! (but not much more)

  • David, and I thought those "classic off-topic" threads were dead and gone

    Once again, what a suprise! Steve, never thought you are that old!

    Well, at this end of the world we can't afford to have a Christmas party at all. Although profit increased (once again) against the overall trend, management says there is no money for those things. Who knows what might come in the future? And therefore it's better to save some money now. Well, the cynical in me suspects, that all the money that could have been spent on many useful things is now invested in two additional member on the board of executives


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Oh, man!!! So much for my "youthful facade"! 

    In 1977, at 18 years old, I was tearing up the streets in my hopped up VW, chasing wine (well, beer), women, and song! 

    Hey Frank, according to the latest "SQL Server" mag, Germany is in the TOP 10 Best-Paying Countries (WITH TIES). 


  • In 1977, at 18 years old, I was tearing up the streets in my hopped up VW, chasing wine (well, beer), women, and song! 

    Hm, did the same thing 9 years later. Hehe, side pun to show my age

    ...according to the latest "SQL Server" mag, Germany is in the TOP 10 Best-Paying Countries (WITH TIES). 

    Hm, strange, seems to be not much SQL Server knowledge around here. But no wonder we are highly paid. How else could we afford to pay the high tax rates and the other social payments

    Good night from Germany!

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • unfortunately, I am also joining the ranks of no money for Christmas party.  I just bought Laura a VERY expensize present.  We just bout a house and move in January

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Hey, then perhaps you should do what Joe does in that case. Write a book and post to online communities. And then suggest people to buy this book in order to pay the mortgage for the house

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Look on the bright side Frank.  Germans have been voted the most desirable tourists in Europe and British the least!  This means an extra £1,000 on the cost of a holiday in Europe if you happend to be British.  Sod it, the foods better, the weathers better, the natives are friendly and it doesn't have Tony Blair, £1000 is worth it

    Are German taxes good old honest up front taxes or sneaky little taxes masquerading as something else?  I suspect that if you tot up all the nasty little taxes here in Britain they get pretty close to yours in Germany.

  • Germans have been voted the most desirable tourists in Europe and British the least!

    Who did this vote? While it might be true that Germans spent more on their holidays, look at those documentations how both Germans and English guys behave on Mallorca and/or the Canary Islands I really don't believe they are desired there. When I travel I tend to avoid showing that I'm a German.

    the foods better, the weathers better, the natives are friendly and it doesn't have Tony Blair

    Well, 2 out of four isn't that good at all. You have a point here with the food and maybe the weather (You don't live in Cornwall, do you?). But the average German to me is a narrow-minded bullhead. However, I also guess this species has spread all over the world And as for Tony Blair: Since it is native to you, I guess you never considered that the word Prime Minister sounds much more impressive and powerful than Chancellor (haha). But don't worry, we also got what we deserve in politics. And that's hardly better than yours.

    Are German taxes good old honest up front taxes or sneaky little taxes masquerading as something else?  I suspect that if you tot up all the nasty little taxes here in Britain they get pretty close to yours in Germany

    It's a wild mixture of direct and indirect taxes. A jungle of laws and regulations that ensures that only a handful of people really know what's going on (if at all).

    Hey, next year I got a tax cut which will give me some additional 60 Euros a year to spent in order to boost the economy (hipphipphooray!). What a great improvement this is! Yes, I firmly believe this will push Germany back to its rightful place as one of the World's strongest economies! It becomes even more absurd, when you see how proudly they present this gift to the masses.

    Hmpf, not the topic for a monday morning.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Do you ever get the feeling that the law is to enrich lawyers and tax law is to enrich accountants?

    Someone once wrote that the upper classes make illegal those pleasures of the lower classes of which they disapprove.

    Oh, and I live near Manchester where weather forecasting consists of throwing a stone up in the air and if it comes down its going to rain.

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