Legacy DTS Package on SQL 2005 - Give user rights to save

  • We have a SQL server with many legacy DTS packages. sa and Admins can open them and change them then save them but we need to allow the DTS people (Developers) the rights to save the package after they have opened it and modified it.


    Gene Laoyan

  • Hi Gene,

    What happens when developers try to save packages. If it's the same problem as described this this thread: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic405083-146-1.aspx#bm405192 , see Ed Vassies reply for a kb articles with a fix.



  • The link you gave has a different issue. Tmessage we get is...

    Error Description : Only the owner of the DTS Package 'PACKAGE_NAME' or a mamber of the sysadmin role may create new versions of it.

    Is there a way to give the developer rights to save? They can open it and modify it but the get the above error when they try to save it.


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