Database Migration

  • hi,

    Actually, I've planned to move the data from source db to another db. In the source db, nearly 500 tables are there. Each and every tables having a relationship and I dont know how to prioritize the table for generating the insert script for moving the data from source db to destination db.

  • Backup source database and restore it on destination server using with move option.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. I think, u cant understand my situation. My requirement is, I've taken the back up and also moved the data to the destination. That's not a problem. I want to schedule the package for that the data which is older than 2 years should be moved from source db to destination db. And in the package, i need to design the SP fro insert query script which is used for moving the data from source db to destination db. In that insert query table script, I've included 150 tables.But, in that 150 tables , each and every one is referenced and How to prioritize the tables list and how to create the insert script.

  • One way of doing it, if you have the patience, is to use the database diagram tool in Enterprise Manager. This will show you which tables have relationships with which others, and enable you to decide which are the parent tables that you need to move first.


  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. Actually, in the past, I've followed two ways.

    1. In the destination db, I switch off all the foreign key constraints and then try to move the data. But, according to this way, I dont know whether the data flow may correct or not. So, I dropped this way.

    2. As per your suggestion, I used this way. But, nearly more than 150 tables are there. And, Using DB diagram, I cant able to analyze and also it takes more time for me for prioritize.

    Can you please tell me that is there is any other way?

  • There is another way, and that's to use the information in sysreferences and sysconstraints (I think) to write a script that will give you the tables in a hierarchical order. I tried this once but never quite got it to work. Still, I imagine somebody has done, so you could try searching this site and others.

    Good luck!


  • Thanks john.

    This is my first forum in this site. Really super and it is very useful to my career. Great

  • Long time ago I created this script in order to delete all records from current database and I think it can be start point for what you need.

    declare @Order int

    declare @id int

    DECLARE @strCmd nvarchar(1000)

    set nocount on

    Set @Order = 1

    create table #a ([id] sysname, [order] int)

    create table #b (fid sysname, rid sysname)

    -- First, take tables which are not referenced by any foreign key

    insert into #a

    select id, 0

    from sysobjects left join sysforeignkeys on id = rkeyid

    where objectproperty(id, 'isusertable') = 1

    and rkeyid is null

    -- Make a clone of key pairs from sysforeignkeys

    insert into #b

    select distinct fkeyid, rkeyid

    from sysforeignkeys

    -- While there are leaves tables do:

    while exists(select distinct f1.fid

    from #b f1 left join #b f2 on f1.fid = f2.rid

    where f2.rid is null)


    -- Insert leaves first

    insert into #a

    select distinct f1.fid, @Order

    from #b f1 left join #b f2 on f1.fid = f2.rid

    where f2.rid is null

    -- Delete just "ordered" tables

    delete f1

    from #b f1 left join #b f2 on f1.fid = f2.rid

    where f2.rid is null

    Set @Order = @Order + 1


    -- Insert if something's rest in #b (e.g. self-join)

    insert into #a

    select distinct fid, @Order

    from #b

    declare c cursor


    select id, [order]

    from #a

    order by [order] desc --asc if you need reverse order

    open c

    --begin tran

    FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @id, @Order

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)


    -- Put your complete command hear

    SET @strCmd = N'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(Object_name(@id))

    --EXEC sp_executesql @strCmd

    PRINT @strCmd

    --PRINT cast(quotename(Object_name(@id)) as char(50)) + cast(@@rowcount as char(7)) + ' row(s) inserted.'


    FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @id, @Order


    CLOSE c



    drop table #a

    drop table #b

    set nocount on

  • Hi Nebojsa,

    Thanks a lot for your response. Sorry for taking a delay.

  • Hi,

    I've an doubt regarding your script. I executed this script, but in the output contains the same table name twice or thrice. Can you explain abt this script if possible. This script generate the script from the child table and what happened abt the parent table. I want the script up to parent table. Can you clear my doubt please.

  • Hi,

    I'm not sure that I understand well. I've tested this script over a lot of different databases. But it's possible to have some bug. Can you e-mail me script for your db (tables, primary keys and foreign keys at least)?

  • Sorry, I found it. I'll try to fix it tomorrow.

  • Hi,

    Thanks a lot for your reply. I am waiting for your reply. Can you please fix the script as soon as possible.

  • I'll be back with fix very soon.

  • I made corection and tried to test it over many different structures. Pls, give me a feedback.

    set nocount on

    declare @Order int

    Set @Order = 1

    IF Exists(SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE [ID] = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#a'))


    IF Exists(SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE [ID] = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#b'))


    create table #a ([id] int, [order] int)

    create table #b (fid int, rid int)

    -- First, delete from tables which are not referenced by any foreign key

    insert into #a

    select id, 0

    from sysobjects left join sysforeignkeys on id = rkeyid

    where objectproperty(id, 'isusertable') = 1

    and rkeyid is null

    -- Make a clone of key pairs from sysforeignkeys

    insert into #b

    select distinct fkeyid, rkeyid

    from sysforeignkeys

    -- While there are leaves tables do:

    while exists(select distinct f1.fid

    from #b f1 left join #b f2 on f1.fid = f2.rid

    where f2.rid is null)


    -- Insert leaves first

    insert into #a

    select distinct f1.fid, @Order

    from #b f1 left join #b f2 on f1.fid = f2.rid

    where f2.rid is null

    -- Delete just "ordered" tables

    delete f1

    from #b f1 left join #b f2 on f1.fid = f2.rid

    where f2.rid is null

    Set @Order = @Order + 1


    -- Insert if something is rest in #b (e.g. self-join)

    insert into #a

    select distinct fid, @Order

    from #b

    -- Insert top level tables

    insert into #a

    select distinct f1.rkeyid, @Order + 1

    from sysforeignkeys f1 left join sysforeignkeys f2 on f1.rkeyid = f2.fkeyid

    where f2.rkeyid is null

    declare @id int

    DECLARE @strCmd nvarchar(1000)

    -- Now when we have all tables in temporary table #a

    -- we can create dynamic script and execute it

    -- If you need list like this often you can create table-valued function

    -- starting code from this line, replacing temp table with function call

    declare c cursor


    select [id], max([order])

    from #a

    group by [id]

    order by max([order]) desc --asc if you need reverse order (for delete)

    open c

    --begin tran

    FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @id, @Order

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)


    SET @strCmd = N'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(Object_name(@id))

    -- EXEC sp_executesql @strCmd

    PRINT cast(quotename(Object_name(@id)) as char(50)) + cast(@@rowcount as char(7)) + ' row(s) deleted '


    FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @id, @Order


    CLOSE c




    drop table #a

    drop table #b

    set nocount off

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