Database Migration

  • Hi,

    Thanks for you reply. I am working with your script. I'll test it and inform you.

    Once again thanks a lot for your timely help.

  • I was thinking about your problem and possible solutions and I found that much easier way to achieve your goal is to play with foreign keys. For example, you can drop all foreign keys, than truncate all tables (you know how much this will be faster than delete) and finally - you can disable constraints, delete and enable its again.

    I sent code "Script foreign keys" and I hope it will be approved and available very soon. Feedback is welcome.

  • Hi Nebotjsa,

    Thanks for your reply. Actually, my first approach is that disabling all the foreign keys in the archival db and then port all the data from source to archival. After that enabling the constraints in the Archival db. I want to clear that if i go through this approach , make sure that if all data can be ported correctly from source to archival.

  • Hi Nebotja,

    How are you? I am fine. I need your help. Actually, I moved all the data from source to destination. After first time, I need to disable all foreign key constraints in the destination db and then I tried to move. But, some of the table constraints are not enabled and also some of the datum are not moved. So, I declined this approach. I moved to a new approach. i.e. In the destination db, I've created one more db named tempDB with same table scripts from the source db, but without constraints. So, whenever i execute the package, the datum will be moved from source db to tempDB and then I moved this datum to the destination db. Each and every time , if i execute the package, the tempDB datum will be deleted and the fresh datum will be moved from source DB and them it will be moved to tempDB and then it will be updated in the destination DB. So, there is no need for delete script in the destination DB. My requirement is if there is any changes in the tempDB, it will be updated in the destination DB. Can you please help me out to generate the script for insert,update for rows insertion and updation in both db's tables.

    Once again, thanks for your timely help.

  • Hi Balaji

    I was very busy this week. I hope I'll find more time next week to help you (if it's not too late).

    Best regards

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