problem with join

  • i have three tables

    Table A:opportunity


    oppId int,

    asc varchar(20)

    Table B:Book table

    Oppid int,

    booked int,

    year int

    table c:sales table

    oppid int,

    shippped int.

    year int

    table A insertion:

    insert into opportunity values






    table b insertion:

    insert into Book values



    table c insertion:

    insert into sales values



    now i need all the oppid's which are booked and shipped:

    something like this

    opp id booked shipped

    1 100 null

    2 null 200

    3 300 300

    4 null null

    5 null null

    If i do left outer join i should get it but i am not getting the results i am trying to do find sum (booked) and sum(shipped)

    which should be 400 and 500 .





    tOpportunity O

    left outer join tSalesS

    on S.OppID = O.OppID

    left outer join tBook B

    on B.OppID = O.OID


    B.year =2010

    and S.year =2010

    I am not getting the results as i showed you ,can any one tell me why i am not getting values using simple left outer join.

  • Because your WHERE clause is essentially turning the OUTER JOINs into INNER JOINs. Move the criteria from the WHERE clause to the appropriate ON clause in the OUTER JOINS.

    And drop the WHERE clause after you do that.

  • I got it ,left outer join is acting like an inner join here so i have changed my query to this:





    tOpportunity O

    left outer join tSalesS

    on S.OppID = O.OppID

    and S.year =2010

    left outer join tBook B

    on B.OppID = O.OID

    and B.year =2010

  • Looks about what I came up with, just not formatted the same.

    Does this query now return your expected results?

  • yes lynn,it is giving me like this:

    opp id booked shipped

    1 100 null

    2 null 200

    3 300 300

    4 null null

    5 null null

    and when i do sum of booked and shipped it is giving me 400 and 500

    Thanks for the reply Lynn.

  • Glad it is working. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Now, i need the out put in a different way which i will show you after i insert some more data into Book and sales tables.

    insert into opportunity values






    table b insertion:

    insert into Book values





    table c insertion:

    insert into sales values




    Now i want something like this:

    Year booked shipped

    2008 300 null

    2009 500 null

    2010 400 600

    I need to have year column as i showed above but couldn't find the way to get it and this is what i have tried:

    and this is what i am getting:

    b.Year s.Year booked shipped

    2008 null 300 null

    2009 null 500 null

    2010 2010 400 600





    tOpportunity O

    left outer join tSalesS

    on S.OppID = O.OppID

    and S.year between 2008 and 2010

    left outer join tBook B

    on B.OppID = O.OID

    and B.year between 2008 and 2010

    I do have a Date table i don't know how to use that table:

    Date table structure:

    Column Datatype

    Day Datetime,

    month int,

    year int,

    insert into Date Values




    I don't know if i need to use these table or not to get the Year Column.

    Can anyone help me..................

  • From your post:

    Now i want something like this:

    Year booked shipped

    2008 300 null

    2009 500 null

    2010 400 600

    I need to have year column as i showed above but couldn't find the way to get it and this is what i have tried:

    and this is what i am getting:

    b.Year s.Year booked shipped

    2008 null 300 null

    2009 null 500 null

    2010 2010 400 600

    Look real close at the the output you are getting agaist the output you want. What i see is one extra column, s.Year, that if you drop that from your SELECT will give you what you are looking for from your query.

  • What if i have data in sales table like this:

    table c insertion:

    insert into sales values




    if i only include B.year then i will miss 2007 shipped data in Sales table right.

  • can anyone please answer my previous reply ,its urgent.

  • srilu_bannu (5/6/2010)

    What if i have data in sales table like this:

    table c insertion:

    insert into sales values




    if i only include B.year then i will miss 2007 shipped data in Sales table right.

    Is this still how you have this portion of your query written?

    left outer join tSalesS

    on S.OppID = O.OppID

    and S.year between 2008 and 2010

    left outer join tBook B

    on B.OppID = O.OID

    and B.year between 2008 and 2010

    If so, it is obvious to me why you miss 2007. Do you see why?

  • of course i will change it to 2007 to 2010 ,but how will i get the desired column.if i include s.year i will miss 2008 and 2009 ,or if i include b.year i will miss 2007.






  • If you want additional help you need to do some additional work.

    You need to post the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement(s)) for the table(s) involved. You need to report the sample data so that it works in SQL Server 2005. Please test your scripts before you post them to be sure they work.

  • I did test these scripts and they are working in sql server 2005.

    create table OPPortunity


    oppId int,

    abc varchar(20)


    create table book


    Oppid int,

    booked int,

    year int


    create table sales


    oppid int,

    shippped int,

    year int


    --inserting into opportunity table

    insert into opportunity values (1,'xxx')

    insert into opportunity values (2,'ghj')

    insert into opportunity values (3,'ghj')

    insert into opportunity values (4,'ghj')

    insert into opportunity values (5,'ghj')

    --inserting into Book table

    insert into Book values (1,100,2010)

    insert into Book values (2,300,2010)

    insert into Book values (3,500,2009)

    insert into Book values (5,300,2008)

    --inserting into sales table

    insert into sales values (2,200,2007)

    insert into sales values (3,300,2010)

    insert into sales values (5,300,2010)

    select * from book

    select * from sales

    select * from opportunity

    -- when i execute this query i got the below results:




    sum(s.shippped) as shipped

    ,sum(B.booked) as booked


    Opportunity O

    left outer join Sales S

    on S.OppID = O.OppID

    and S.year between 2007 and 2010

    left outer join Book B

    on B.OppID = O.OppID

    and B.year between 2007 and 2010

    group by b.year,s.year

    -- Results:

    year year shipped booked


    2010 NULL NULL 100

    2010 2007 200 300

    2008 2010 300 300

    2009 2010 300 500

    But i need the output like this:

    Year Booked Shipped

    2007 null 200

    2008 300 null

    2009 500 null

    2010 400 500

    I need sum (booked ) and sum(Shipped) for the total year column as shown above.

  • Just an FYI, your code will not work on my systems without modification. Our servers are configured to use case sensitive collation. You really need to be sure that your code is consistant. For example, on my system the column Oppid is not the same as OppID.

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