problem with join

  • Okay, here is some code for you:

    create table dbo.Opportunity


    OppID int,

    abc varchar(20)


    create table dbo.Book


    OppID int,

    booked int,

    BYear int


    create table dbo.Sales


    OppID int,

    shipped int,

    SYear int


    --inserting into opportunity table

    insert into Opportunity values (1,'xxx')

    insert into Opportunity values (2,'ghj')

    insert into Opportunity values (3,'ghj')

    insert into Opportunity values (4,'ghj')

    insert into Opportunity values (5,'ghj')

    --inserting into Book table

    insert into Book values (1,100,2010)

    insert into Book values (2,300,2010)

    insert into Book values (3,500,2009)

    insert into Book values (5,300,2008)

    --inserting into sales table

    insert into Sales values (2,200,2007)

    insert into Sales values (3,300,2010)

    insert into Sales values (5,300,2010)

    select * from Book;

    select * from Sales;

    select * from Opportunity;

    with OpportunityYears as (





    dbo.Sales s

    cross join dbo.Opportunity o






    dbo.Book b

    cross join dbo.Opportunity o




    sum(isnull(b.booked, 0)) booked,

    sum(isnull(s.shipped,0)) shipped


    OpportunityYears os

    left outer join dbo.Book b

    on (os.SYear = b.BYear

    and os.OppID = b.OppID)

    left outer join dbo.Sales s

    on (os.SYear = s.SYear

    and os.OppID = s.OppID)

    group by


    I used isnull to eliminate the warning from aggregating the null values.

    Also, your expected results is inaccurate. Check your addition.

  • The code is giving exact results i want .

    Yes ,i checked the addition you are right my results are inaccurate.

    Thanks Lynn.

  • Thank you for the feedback. Glad the code is working for you.

  • Hi,

    I am sorry for this but i need a different output now.actually i want to create the view for the code you have given me but looks like the user needs more data from 2000 year onwards for all the opportunities. so i thought since it has large amounts of data in it i have decided to create a table here is what i did:

    create table dbo.Opportunity


    OppID int,

    abc varchar(20)


    create table dbo.Book


    OppID int,

    booked int,

    BYear int


    create table dbo.Sales


    OppID int,

    shipped int,

    SYear int


    --inserting into opportunity table

    insert into Opportunity values (1,'xxx')

    insert into Opportunity values (2,'ghj')

    insert into Opportunity values (3,'ghj')

    insert into Opportunity values (4,'ghj')

    insert into Opportunity values (5,'ghj')

    insert into Opportunity values (6,'iuy')

    --inserting into Book table

    insert into Book values (1,100,2010)

    insert into Book values (2,300,2007)

    insert into Book values (3,500,2009)

    insert into Book values (5,300,2008)

    --inserting into sales table

    insert into Sales values (1,100,2010)

    insert into Sales values (2,200,2009)

    insert into Sales values (3,300,2010)

    insert into Sales values (5,300,2010)

    select * from Book;

    select * from Sales;

    select * from Opportunity;

    and i tried to create the table below and insert the data i want :

    create table dbo.example


    OppID int,

    booked int,

    shipped int,

    Year int


    and insert the data :

    insert dbo.example


    OppID ,

    shipped ,

    booked ,




    o.OppID ,





    Opportunity o

    inner join dbo.Sales s

    on o.OppID=s.OppID

    insert dbo.example


    OppID ,

    booked ,




    o.OppID ,




    dbo.example e

    right outer join Opportunity o

    on e.OppID=o.OppID

    inner join dbo.Book b

    on o.OppID=b.OppID

    I got this:

    OppID booked shipped Year

    1 0 100 2010

    1 100 NULL 2010

    2 300 NULL 2007

    2 0 200 2009

    3 0 300 2010

    3 500 NULL 2009

    5 300 NULL 2008

    5 0 300 2010

    but i need this:

    OppID booked shipped Year

    1 100 100 2010

    2 300 2007

    2 200 2009

    3 500 2009

    3 300 2010

    5 300 2008

    5 300 2010

    For OppID 1 booking and shipping has happened in the same year i want that in a single row i think that's is the only difference between the expected one one and the one i got.

    the results are confusing here so i have attached the excel.

    Can any one please tell me how should i get data i showed you excel .it's urgent..

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