BETWEEN a hard place and a rock

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item BETWEEN a hard place and a rock

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • Interesting question.....completely missed and gone off-track, feeling like "pressed between the hard place and rock" 🙂

    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • Lokesh Vij (6/11/2013)

    Interesting question.....completely missed and gone off-track, feeling like "pressed between the hard place and rock" 🙂

    +1 🙂

    Vinay Kumar
    Keep Learning - Keep Growing !!!

  • very "nasty" question missed it all together - lost in translation - between computer screen and my brain :p

    Hope this helps...

    Ford Fairlane
    Rock and Roll Detective

  • Wonderful!



    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • Thanks for the nice question with plenty of knowledge involved, but I've got it just because none of the above made sense for me, and the explanation is not 100% correct as even if we have 5 Null values in the table, the operator EXCEPT will act as explained in BOL:

    EXCEPT returns any distinct values from the left query that are not also found on the right query.

    So it will never ever return 5 rows, if NULL values come to play, there will be just one row with NULL value in it.

    declare @t table (numericColumn int)

    insert into @t values (-10)

    insert into @t values (-9)

    insert into @t values (-8)

    insert into @t values (-7)

    insert into @t values (-6)

    insert into @t values (-5)

    insert into @t values (-4)

    insert into @t values (-3)

    insert into @t values (-2)

    insert into @t values (-1)

    insert into @t values (0)

    insert into @t values (1)

    insert into @t values (2)

    insert into @t values (3)

    insert into @t values (4)

    insert into @t values (5)

    insert into @t values (6)

    insert into @t values (null)

    insert into @t values (null)

    insert into @t values (null)

    insert into @t values (null)

    insert into @t values (null)

    SELECT *

    FROM @t


    SELECT *

    FROM @t

    WHERE NOT (NumericColumn BETWEEN -1 AND -10);


  • raulggonzalez (6/12/2013)

    Thanks for the nice question with plenty of knowledge involved, but I've got it just because none of the above made sense for me, and the explanation is not 100% correct as even if we have 5 Null values in the table, the operator EXCEPT will act as explained in BOL:

    EXCEPT returns any distinct values from the left query that are not also found on the right query.

    So it will never ever return 5 rows, if NULL values come to play, there will be just one row with NULL value in it.

    Good point, and maybe I should have included that in my explanation.

    What you forget, though, is that EXCEPT applies the distinct algorithm to the entire result of the SELECT. And I think it's safe to assume that the table has more columns than just the NumericColumn used in the BETWEEN. In your repro, if you add a second column and make sure it has different values in the five rows with a NULL in NumericValue, you'll get 5 rows returned.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • Ford Fairlane (6/12/2013)

    very "nasty" question missed it all together - lost in translation - between computer screen and my brain :p

    Thanks! (Goes for the other replies as welll).

    I was aware that this is a nasty question. I deliberately picked a title that at least gives a hint about the most nastiest incorrect answer.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • More proof that one should not attempt QOTD before the morning dose of caffeine.

  • batgirl (6/12/2013)

    More proof that one should not attempt QOTD before the morning dose of caffeine.

    Great one 😀

    Vinay Kumar
    Keep Learning - Keep Growing !!!

  • batgirl (6/12/2013)

    More proof that one should not attempt QOTD before the morning dose of caffeine.

    +1 Great question Hugo. I completely overlooked the hint in the title. I also seemed to have overlooked half the question too! :hehe:

    Everything is awesome!

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Nice Question Hugo..


  • Excellent question Hugo. I think the most disturbing thing is that at the time of this posting 38% of responders think there are rows that between -1 and -10!!! 😛


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  • Nice question Hugo!

    Unfortunately I fell for the trap in the title.

    Evidentally I have more studying to do of the RCS isolation level. :ermm:

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