BETWEEN a hard place and a rock

  • Ha ha.

    Very funny!


  • Caught again! πŸ˜€

    The trouble with having a programming language with elements that are loosely based on natural language is that the people who devise them produce hard and fast rules that don't actually match English particularly well. That is something that SQL and COBOL have in common.

    I tend not to use "between" when writing SQL, partly because I (like pretty well everyone else I know) am likely to misinterpret it when reading code. The more questions we get like this the more likely I am to start remembering to check when I see between, which would be a good thing, so for me it's a good question.


  • There is a bug in your answer. You say:

    This means that the first query returns all rows from MyTable, the second only the rows with NumericColumn equal to NULL. The EXCEPT removes the second set from the first, leaving the rows with NumericColumn equal to NULL in the result set. Apparently, there are five rows with NumericColumn = NULL.

    That should read:

    This means that the first query returns all rows from MyTable, the second only the rows with NumericColumn not equal to NULL. The EXCEPT removes the second set from the first, leaving the rows with NumericColumn equal to NULL in the result set. Apparently, there are five rows with NumericColumn = NULL.

    In order for the final query to return the rows with NULL in them, the second query has to return the ones that are not null, for them to be excepted from the first query, which includes all rows. More to the point, WHERE NOT (1 between -1 and -10) will pass the row, because NOT (FALSE) evaluates to true, while WHERE NOT (NULL between -1 and -10) will cull the row, because NOT (UNKNOWN) evaluates to unknown which is treated as not true. So query 2 will pass not-null rows, which will then be excepted, which will leave the null rows to be returned.

    Here's a complete test harness (using a table variable instead of an actual table, which eliminates the red herrring of the isolation level):

    declare @MyTable table (NumericColumn int, TextColumn char(5));

    insert @MyTable












    --1: all rows

    select *

    from @MyTable

    --2: rows to be excepted

    select *

    from @MyTable where not (NumericColumn between -1 and -10)

    --3: full query

    select *

    from @MyTable


    select *

    from @MyTable where not (NumericColumn between -1 and -10)

    and the results:

    Query 1:

    NumericColumn TextColumn






    1 VAL1

    2 VAL1

    3 VAL1

    4 VAL1

    5 VAL1

    Query 2:

    NumericColumn TextColumn

    1 VAL1

    2 VAL1

    3 VAL1

    4 VAL1

    5 VAL1

    Query 3:

    NumericColumn TextColumn






  • sknox (6/12/2013)

    There is a bug in your answer. You say:

    This means that the first query returns all rows from MyTable, the second only the rows with NumericColumn equal to NULL. The EXCEPT removes the second set from the first, leaving the rows with NumericColumn equal to NULL in the result set. Apparently, there are five rows with NumericColumn = NULL.

    That should read:

    This means that the first query returns all rows from MyTable, the second only the rows with NumericColumn not equal to NULL. The EXCEPT removes the second set from the first, leaving the rows with NumericColumn equal to NULL in the result set. Apparently, there are five rows with NumericColumn = NULL.

    Thanks for catching that missing "not", sknox! You are completely right.

    (And thanks for the great demo code too!)

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • Nice one....

  • Interesting question Hugo, thanks!

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  • This is another question from Hugo that is tough. And of course there is a good explanation followed by enhanced explanation in the thread.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Tooke me over an hour to figure this one out. Thanks, Hugo!

  • Coming after a long time and started with this question :w00t:

    how come -1 and -10 didn't span the whole number line !!! I got caught in the first option; I see a reason - it did not show the author name.

    I guess I should have used the other half of the brain to solve this one.

    Thanks for the question Hugo. I have been thinking on creating questions on Isolation levels, well I guess nothing beats this one; partly though, it solves the purpose.

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • Nicely subtle, I'm afraid I didn't get it.

    Timothy A Wiseman
    SQL Blog:

  • I found this one easy because we had another BETWEEN <high value> <low value> question a little while ago and that put me on the right track straight away.

  • marlon.seton (6/19/2013)

    I found this one easy because we had another BETWEEN <high value> <low value> question a little while ago and that put me on the right track straight away.

    Agreed. I got it right straight away using that old (not so) QOTD reference. πŸ™‚

  • marlon.seton (6/19/2013)

    I found this one easy because we had another BETWEEN <high value> <low value> question a little while ago and that put me on the right track straight away.


  • Nice question!

    /HΓ₯kan Winther
    MCITP:Database Developer 2008
    MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance
    MCSE: Data Platform

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